REMINDER: New Journal Editor Nominations

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Rich Petty

Nov 15, 2008, 11:59:00 PM11/15/08
To: ARP, EASP, SESP, and SPSP Members

We are pleased to announce a new joint venture of the Association for Research in Personality (ARP), the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP),
the Society of Experimental Social Psychology (SESP), and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) to launch an exciting new short reports journal
in social and personality psychology. This new journal will publish relatively short reports (under 5000 words excluding references) that have theoretical and practical
significance, and that represent an advance to social psychological and/or personality science. Articles are expected to be of broad interest both within and outside of
social and personality psychology, and should be written to be intelligible to a wide range of readers including the popular science press. Following the model
provided by Science, Nature, and Psychological Science, we also plan to use a fast-track review process. We anticipate formally launching the journal early in 2010,
and to begin receiving manuscripts in the early spring of 2009, with Sage as the publisher.

Every member of a consortium society will receive a free electronic subscription to the journal, and will have the option to individually subscribe to get a
discounted print copy of the journal. The journal will reach a combined membership of over 6,000 scholars.

In addition to announcing the journal, we make an open call for nominations for editor and for suggestions for a journal title.

Editor nominations: We are open to self and other nominations. Nominees must have previous experience as an editor or associate editor of a journal in
social or personality psychology, or a closely related area. Nominations should be submitted by e-mail to at least one member of the Consortium Committee,
and should include a cover letter specifying the candidate’s area of expertise and previous editorial experience by November 26, 2008. We anticipate appointing
the editor by January 1, 2009.

Journal title contest: We are also making an open-call for journal title suggestions. A priority is that the journal title is clearly inclusive of social and
personality psychology, but is hopefully distinctive and relatively short. Please feel free to submit multiple suggestions. Nominations of journal names should
be submitted by e-mail to at least one member of the Consortium Committee. The winner of the journal contest will receive a free one-year print subscription
to the journal.

For more information, or to submit editor nominations or journal title suggestions, please contact one or more of the following members of the Consortium

Carsten de Dreu, EASP, (
Richard Petty, SPSP, (
Brent Roberts, ARP, (
Linda Skitka, SESP, (

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