Upverter Meetup Tomorrow (PCB Design + Food + Beer)

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Jun 13, 2018, 5:58:20 PM6/13/18
to sprout-...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sprout,

Zak from Upverter/Altium asked me to spread the word about a meetup they are having tomorrow in Cambridge.  If you don’t know Upverter, they were a Y Combinator funded startup that created browser based PCB design tools and were aquired last year by Altium.  They are working on some cool new tools and it sounds like they are ready to talk more about it with current and potential users.

Here’s the info from Zak:

Since being acquired by Altium last summer Upverter has been hard at work merging CircuitMaker into Upverter, porting Altium Designer features over to Upverter, and building a way to design hardware using "virtual shields", instead of picking out resistors and capacitors. Upverter is hosting a meetup in Cambridge Thursday night (tomorrow) to talk about whats next, where they are going, and get feedback, thoughts and suggestions on their plans. There will also be free beer and food!

The meetup starts at 5:30pm and goes until 10:30pm at Commonwealth Cambridge: 11 Broad Canal Way, Cambridge.

To RSVP and for more event details see the event page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/199700550831250/

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