The following parks and their current dog status will be reviewed by the Board of Park Commissioners on Wednesday, November 9, 2022
- Brentwood Park - dog free
- Esther Beach Park - dog free
- Forest Hill Cemetery - dog-friendly
- Haen Family Park - dog free
- Hawthorne Park - dog-friendly
- Kingston-Onyx Park - dog free
- Merrill Spring Park - dog free
- Quarry Cove Park - dog free
- Sugar Maple Park – dog free
- Veterans Memorial Park - dog free
- Zook Park - dog free
For comments and questions:
Submit an email to on or before Tuesday, Nov. 8. Attend in person the Board of Park Commissioners meeting, 6:30pm on Wed., Nov. 9 at 1402 Wingra Creek Parkway.
Please do not reply to this e-mail as the Inbox is not checked for incoming messages. If you have a question or concern, contact a Spring Harbor Neighborhood Association (SHNA) Board member; names and contact info can be found on the SHNA Website: or in the neighborhood newsletter.