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Mark your calendar! SHNA Fall All-Neighbor Meeting & Potluck, Thurs, 10/26

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Spring Harbor Board

Oct 2, 2023, 7:02:56 PM10/2/23
to SHNA list serve
SHNA Fall All-Neighbor Meeting & Potluck
Date: Thursday, October 26, starting at 6:30pm
Location: Dale Heights Presbyterian Church (lower level)
6:30pm--Potluck (Main dish provided; Please bring a dish to share)
7:00pm--Brief business meeting (Welcome, Introductions & Reports); Guest Speaker--Phil Gaebler, City of Madison Water Resources Engineer; Topic: Rain Gardens, Stormwater & Green Infrastructure

Our neighborhood association’s Fall all-neighbor meeting will be held on Thursday, October 26, at the Dale Heights Presbyterian Church (lower level). Our guest speaker will be Phil Gaebler, City of Madison Water Resources Engineer, who will talk to us about rain gardens, stormwater and green infrastructure. His presentation will start close to 7 PM, followed by some time for questions and answers. Before our guest speaker, there will be a brief business meeting. 

There will be a potluck starting at 6:30PM. The SHNA Board will provide the main dish and something to drink. 

Neighbors are encouraged to bring a side dish or dessert, and to bring your own service ware to minimize waste. Please note that the venue and event are not set up to provide childcare or accommodate children. 

All are welcome and there is no need to sign up or RSVP, but if you need more information, please contact your area director. 

Please do not reply to this e-mail as the Inbox is not checked for incoming messages. If you have a question or concern, contact a Spring Harbor Neighborhood Association (SHNA) Board member; names and contact info can be found on the SHNA Website: or in the neighborhood newsletter.
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