Neighborhood Garlic Mustard Pull postponed until Sat, May 7

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Spring Harbor Board

2022-04-29 00:29:132022-04-29
kam: SHNA list serve
Due to weather, the Garlic Mustard Pull has been postponed until Saturday, May 7. 

On the 7th, come to Spring Harbor Park at 9AM to sign in and be assigned an area in one of the neighborhood parks. Scheduled work hours are 9-11AM. Please consider working in Kettle Pond where garlic mustard is rampant. 

Garlic mustard is an invasive weed that spreads quickly and takes over our native spring plants. Don't let its heart-shaped leaves and delicate white flowers fool you into letting it grow.

 Bags will be provided. Bring garden gloves or any other tools you might want to use to pull up the plant by its roots. 

Volunteering for a group activity like this is a great way to meet neighbors and help care for our neighborhood parks. Please come help if you can. 

If you have any questions, call Kim McBride at 608-628-8772.

Please do not reply to this e-mail as the Inbox is not checked for incoming messages. If you have a question or concern, contact a Spring Harbor Neighborhood Association (SHNA) Board member; names and contact info can be found on the SHNA Website: or in the neighborhood newsletter.
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