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RHEL Sources

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Benjamin Rose

Jun 22, 2023, 8:24:49 PM6/22/23
to springdale-users

This message is in regards to the recent announcement from RedHat
regarding source code availability for RHEL:

At this time, we are internally discussing the best ways to proceed. The
same is true for many other distributions, #el-community on
is particularly active right now if you are looking for a place to join
in the larger discussion. While RedHat's action itself is not
particularly surprising given somewhat-recent developments with regards
to the likes of CentOS Stream, the timing has taken many in the
RHEL-compatible-clone world by surprise.

None of the core Springdale developers are lawyers, and this is a
legally-centered change in policy on the part of RedHat. There are
certainly technical aspects involved with the process of obtaining the
source, but that is not the core of the issue.

Please be reassured that our priority of delivering a stable, secure,
and trustworthy product will, as always, remain. We urge the community
to remain calm about the new realities we are all facing. There will be
additional communications forthcoming as conversations take place and
decisions are made.

Thank you for your ongoing patience as we all navigate this complex issue.


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