Spree 3.3 released with Rails 5.1 & Ruby 2.4 support, Segment integration, enhanced data integrity and many more features contributed by the Spree Community!

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Mike Faber

Aug 24, 2017, 3:42:04 PM8/24/17
to Spree
Spree 3.3 released with Rails 5.1 & Ruby 2.4 support, Segment integration, enhanced data integrity and many more features contributed by the Spree Community! 
Spree new features:
  • Full Rails 5.1 support
  • Ruby 2.4 support - Spree now works Ruby 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.
  • Segment.com tracker integration
  • Preventing duplicate values for number fields
  • Added missing indexes and unique indexes
  • Added quantity to inventory units and split on demand
  • Better Store Credits in customer. Frontend and Admin Panel
… and many more!

Big thanks to all Spree contributors, supporters, developers, users. :-) You make the Rails Ecommerce world go round!

Please make sure to join Spree Slack channels to get or give help at: http://slack.spreecommerce.com/ 

We have a community of 1750+ developers on Slack making it a great place to be, chat and learn more about upcoming Spree developments.

Yours Truly,
Spree Core Team
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