Register for SpreeConf - a free online ecommerce knowledge-sharing event!

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Anna Ambroszkiewicz

May 12, 2021, 8:22:17 AM5/12/21
to Spree
Dear All!

You are invited to take part in the SpreeConf 2021 online event!

June 24th, 2021

5 PM London time
12 PM New York time
9 AM Los Angeles time

SpreeConf is all about sharing Ecommerce know-how. We’ve invited developers, founders, and industry experts behind some of the most successful businesses using Spree from around the world.

More information and registration here:
Participation is FREE.

We are also looking for more speakers who would like to present their Spree businesses or projects. If you'd like to share yours, please contact us at

Best regards,
Spree Commerce Core Team

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