4/1/22 update

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Apr 1, 2022, 5:51:30 PM4/1/22
to spread the word(list)
hi everyone,

thanks again for your interest in spread the word(list)! we've transitioned to quarterly updates, so you'll hear from us again in three months. download the lowercase list here and the uppercase list here. as always, please email us with any published puzzles you've used our wordlist for so we can list them in our gallery!

our wordlist now has 261,009 answers, with 90,616 scored 50 or higher. some highlights, now ranked at 50 or higher: NBD, SIMS, YOINK, CHICAS, ENBIES, SO CUTE, JUST WOW, GAME NIGHT, QUILTING BEE, CHOSEN FAMILY, SPREAD THE WORD (!), LOVE THAT FOR YOU, and HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH.

happy filling, and see you next quarter!

brooke & enrique
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