Installing on OS X

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josh dyson

Aug 7, 2014, 12:06:53 PM8/7/14
Confession: I'm pretty much learning Perl just for this particular module, as it's my current best option for reading from an .xls file on a Mac (the need for which I can barely defend, but suffice it to say exists). I'm new to this. 

Has anybody installed this module for use on OS X (10.9.4, specifically)? 

I've been trying to install this module for a while, but I'm starting to think I cannot do so on OS X without a lot of work (or I'm missing something simple). I installed OLE::Storage_Lite, and that went fine. Next I tried to install Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, but it failed to locate Crypt/ I, too, failed to locate it, so downloaded and installed it, and that went fine. Next it couldn't locate Digest/Perl/MD5, which I did locate within Digest/MD5. I created a copy in the path it was expecting, but that didn't quite work (couldn't locate object method "new"; presumably, there's more than just a single file to be moved). At this point, it's clear I'm off the beaten path, so I'm asking for help. 

Any advice is appreciated. I should also mention, I'm hoping to deploy the script I'm writing to about 1,000 endpoints running different versions of OS X, so I'll want to bundle the requisite changes. 

Chris Jack

Aug 8, 2014, 2:40:11 AM8/8/14
Don't confuse Digest::Perl::MD5 with Digest::MD5, they are different modules. You might also save some time by looking up all dependencies on CPAN for your module at one go: look for the link.


Shinichi Nozawa

Aug 8, 2014, 2:56:44 AM8/8/14
Do you use CPAN install?

Or you failed to install it with CPAN and you are trying a manual install ?

sudo cpan Spreadsheet::ParseExcel

Have you installed Apple's Command Line tools?

Maybe you need to install Command Line Tools before installing Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.

Simon Han

Aug 8, 2014, 3:09:45 AM8/8/14
CPAN is probably the best way to go. It will install dependencies for you.

Since you're using Mac OS, you might also want to consider installing your own Perl (if you aren't already). The suggestion from the thread below seems to be against messing with Mac's system's Perl.


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josh dyson

Aug 11, 2014, 3:13:13 PM8/11/14
Thanks all, good input. I haven't been using CPAN because I ran into configuration issues related to our proxy setup. I'll re-visit that. 
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