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Congratulations Mr. Miller!

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Stefani Kanzler

Dec 17, 2018, 3:18:44 PM12/17/18



Congratulations Mr. Miller!

Our very own AG teacher, Mr. Austin Miller, received the EWU/KHQ Teacher of the Month Award! High School Sophomore, Jacob Wollweber, wrote in nominating Mr. Miller for all the hard work he does for our school through AG, FFA and in our Community. We are very proud to have such a dedicated person teaching our students! 

You can view the coverage HERE!

Dear Teacher of the Month selection committee, 
          On behalf of the Sprague FFA Chapter, I am nominating our teacher and advisor Mr. Austin Miller. He has been teaching and leading our FFA for the past 5 years and in that time has helped turn our very small school into a very competitive organization in our district and state. Our high school only has 32 individuals in 9-12th grade and 28 of them are proud to be a part of the Sprague FFA. Under his leadership, our chapter has been awarded several top 8 placings in various state competitions, has had two district officers from our small school and currently those same two students are the President and Vice President of the whole district and have goals to try for state offices this year. Mr. Miller is also the current district advisor in addition to all his local chapter duties. Because our school is so small he goes way above and beyond normal expectations to make our experience a successful one. He holds practices early in the morning before school several times per week, he cooks us breakfast during these early get togethers, he teaches all the Ag classes during the day, he holds after school practices and meetings where he often provides dinner, he got his CDL so he can drive the bus to competitions so the district wouldn't have to pay a bus driver, and when a kids get sick on the bus (has happened more than once) he also plays the part of janitor. He organizes community service activities, fund raising events, and most recently took the first group of kids to the National FFA Convention in over 28 years. He also had the top individual in the Washington State Land Evaluation competition who scored a perfect score and the team won 7th place in the State finals. He is also expecting his first child with his wife in January. 
          It is impossible to ever thank Mr. Miller enough for all he does for us and how special he makes each one of us feel. So please select him as teacher of the month so we can give a little back to him. Thank you. 
 The Sprague FFA 
 Submitted by Jacob Wollweber the Sprague FFA Reporter

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