Fwd: Add Bootsrap hints with a different LAN adress than ours

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Oliver Waldhorst

Mar 12, 2012, 12:10:07 PM3/12/12
to spo...@googlegroups.com, julien.d...@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <julien.d...@gmail.com>
Date: 2012/3/12
Subject: Add Bootsrap hints with a different LAN adress than ours
To: wald...@tm.uka.de

You are receiving this mail because Dumont Julien
is sending feedback about the site administered by you at http://www.spovnet.de.
The message sent was:

Hi dear spoVnet team, I am working with your library spoVnet,
firstofall, it works ver well. Nevertheless, the very low numver of
tutorials and documentations make the work very hard in some ways to
go. Let me explain my current issue : Imagine that my LAN IP is (in fact, it is), so I can create a spoVnet easily by
creating an AribaModule and set the bootsrap hints to "broadcast".
Now, imagine that I need to create a spoVnet on my rooter
( from my current pc. If I set the bootsrap hints to
{ip{}}, so, two pc cannot establish a relation and they do
not see each other as neighors. Can you help me, Thanks in advance,

Site Administrator


Mar 13, 2012, 6:42:29 AM3/13/12
to SpoVNet
Hello Julien,

thanks for your interest in SpoVNet.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:  <julien.dumont...@gmail.com>
> Date: 2012/3/12
> Subject: Add Bootsrap hints with a different LAN adress than ours

> Hi dear spoVnet team, I am working with your library spoVnet,
> firstofall, it works ver well. Nevertheless, the very low numver of
> tutorials and documentations make the work very hard in some ways to

There has been a programming contest, creating software that uses the
SpoVNet libraries. At least the codes of the three winning teams are
still available as open source. Probably these projects could serve
you as examples. Have a look at: http://www.spovnet.de/contest

> go. Let me explain my current issue : Imagine that my LAN IP is
> (in fact, it is), so I can create a spoVnet easily by
> creating an AribaModule and set the bootsrap hints to "broadcast".
> Now, imagine that I need to create a spoVnet on my rooter
> ( from my current pc. If I set the bootsrap hints to
> {ip{}}, so, two pc cannot establish a relation and they do
> not see each other as neighors. Can you help me, Thanks in advance,

The Ariba library creates an overlay network between all connected
nodes. Let's say you have three computers:,, In this case using the "broadcast"
bootstrapping module would connect all three computers in one overlay

Let's make things more interesting. Now we're using the "ip" bootstrap
module. For example has no bootstrap hint at all, has {ip{}} and has
{ip{}} as bootstrap hints. If you're starting your
application at first on, then on and
finally on, then all three computers are also in the
same overlay. Then all three computers can communicate with each
other. You can even reach from, for
instance. (Note that the node you're bootstrapping to must be already
running the moment you start your application.)

You can also combine bootstrap modules. If you're starting again with no bootstrap hint, then with
{ip{}; broadcast} and finally only with
{broadcast}, then, again all three computers are connected in the same

A common case is, when you're having a server in the Internet, that is
always running your application; then you can use {ip{your server's ip
address}; broadcast} on the "normal" computers as bootstrap hints. In
this case, the computers in the different LANs and the server are all
connected in the same overlay and can all communicate with each other.
This approach is also used in the SpoVNet contest project "omnibus-

I hope this solves your question. Have fun developing with SpoVNet.

Best regards, Mario Hock

> Bye
> --
> Site Administrator
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