Spotlight Community - 2 Demos posted from June 2019 Community Call

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Catherine A. Aster

2019年6月17日 上午10:07:382019/6/17

Hi All,

Here are the links to the two recorded demos from our Spotlight Community call on Friday, 7 June 2019. Thank you for your patience!

Demo #1 -

Demo by Melissa Wallace, Web Designer & Developer, Cornell University Library, on the current state of Cornell's production Spotlight instance.

Demo #2 -

Demo by Chrissy Rissmeyer, Product Owner/Manager, UC Santa Barbara, and Matt Critchlow, Application Developer, UC San Diego on Project Surfliner -- with a focus on Starlight, their collaborative project Spotlight instance.

Best regards,


Catherine A. Aster

2020年8月17日 上午11:18:512020/8/17
Hi All,

Here are the links to the two recorded demos from our Spotlight Community call on Friday, 14 August 2019. 

Demo #1 - 

Demo by Harvard Library summer interns Irmarie Fraticelli-Rodriguez, Leigh Clouse, and Scott St. Louis, from the University of Michigan present on a pilot project where they contributed items from a Spotlight exhibit to Wikimedia. The project focused on the development of an interface, which allows the user to download images and metadata from the Harvard LibraryCloud API and upload them to the Wikimedia Commons repository. As outputs, the code and workflow documentation are available on GitLab, which any user can follow to replicate this project with their own collections.

Demo #2 -

Demo by Sierra Laddusaw on a Texas A&M University Libraries partnership with the Bryan/College Station Public Library System to create a Spotlight scavenger hunt for the 2020 Summer Reading Program. Five maps from the “Maps of Imaginary Places Collection,” held at Cushing Memorial Library & Archives, were chosen for the exhibit. Local community members were invited to visit the Spotlight Exhibit and participate in the scavenger hunt, submit their answers via email, and be entered in a prize drawing. One of the Librarians from the public library created sets of clues that encouraged participants to explore each map to find the answer. Sierra is an Assistant Professor at the Texas A&M University Libraries. She is the Curator of Digital Scholarship, Curator of Maps, and Co-curator of the Chapman Texas & Borderlands Collection at Cushing Memorial Library & Archives.

Best regards,


Cathy Aster
Services Manager
DLSS Liaison to SERG, Preservation, Map Projects & GIS

Catherine A. Aster

2020年9月14日 上午10:33:522020/9/14
Hi All,

Here are the links to the two recorded demos from our Spotlight Community call on Friday, 11 September 2020. 

Demo #1 -

Demo by Claire DeMarco, Associate Director of Digital Strategies and Innovation at Harvard Library, of Harvard Digital Collections (HDC) 2.0. HDC is Harvard Library’s Blacklight search and discovery interface for more than 6 million publicly available items from their digital repository. The major features included in this latest release are associated with creating a Harvard Digital Collections account. Any user is free to sign up – no Harvard affiliation required. Signing up for an account allows users to create and manage lists of items as well as save dynamic searches. 

Harvard Digital Collections is a user interface that pulls directly from LibraryCloud, Harvard's metadata hub. Built on the same infrastructure as CURIOSity Digital Collections, Harvard's Spotlight instance, a future goal is to use HDC's list building functionality to create Spotlight exhibits.

Demo #2 -

Demo by James Creel, software developer at Texas A&M University Libraries, of SAGE (Solr AGgregation Engine), a Solr index aggregator that also provides a discovery layer.  SAGE is currently undergoing deployment to provide access to digital assets stored in the Texas A&M University Libraries digital repositories.  It combines metadata from multiple sources including DSpace, Fedora and Avalon.  The interface can be tailored for a particular collection which makes it a good complement to a Spotlight Exhibit.  The UI supports facets to allow for refining searches.

Catherine A. Aster

2021年2月16日 上午10:53:392021/2/16
Hi All,

Here are the links to the three recorded demos from our Spotlight Community call on Friday, 12 February 2021. 

Demo #1 -

Demo by Cathy Aster, Product & Service Manager, Stanford Libraries on the new browse group feature developed and released by the Stanford team this month, to Spotlight v3.0.0.rc4. Demo features the Digital Library of the Middle East - a standalone Spotlight instance, which is a partnership with the Council on Library and Information Resources, the Quatar National Library, and Stanford Libraries.

Demo #2 -

Demo by Andria Olson, Assistant Map Librarian, Stanford Libraries featuring a discussion of the purpose and context of ArcGIS StoryMaps using the embed widget in two Spotlight at Stanford exhibits: Cartographic Symbologies and Mining Maps and Views.

Demo #3 -

Demo by Melissa Murphy, Reference Librarian & Heather Oswald, Manager of Public Services, Harvard, featuring CURIOSity exhibit The South Sea Bubble, 1720 and embedded tools: Omeka Neatline and ArcGIS StoryMaps.

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