Can't create a running instance of my own appliance

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May 8, 2011, 10:12:59 AM5/8/11
to SpotCloud Buyers
I've followed instructions for creating my own appliance

I've used ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64 to create a JeOS appliance
customized to my needs. (my host is OS X 10.6.7 running VirtualBox
I then run the command line spotsh from
using the command:
spotsh appliance -b d0.img
To create my own xvm2 file. Unlike what is described in the Appliance
Creation Guide, the spotsh did not asked me any question but has ended
I then did:
mv d0.xmv2 JeOS.xmv2
I've uploaded the appliance to spotcloud using spotsh (uploading
through web site failed):
spotsh appliance -u JeOS.xvm2
and then tried to run it on 4 different machines (1-2CPUs 0.5-2GB) in
all cases the launch failed.
In all cases I received the same email (it took me time to find the
email because it was sent to Junk):
Instance "2057" started but didn't acquire a public IP address and
terminated. You will not be billed for this instance.

My guess:
Something wrong with my networking configuration on JeOS (but what)?
Bad Ubuntu version? (only 10.10 is supported)
32bit not 64bit?
Special flags to use with spotsh?
Maybe I should try spotsh 0.0.2 (which I just noticied)?
Perhaps something is mixed up with my python?

Thank you for helping, Udi

Pat Wendorf

May 8, 2011, 10:34:28 AM5/8/11
Hello Udi,

Ubuntu/Debian can be tricky when it comes to the networking. Before
packaging you need to delete
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, otherwise it will not use
eth0 for your spotcloud network adaptor. By default you will have
DHCP setup for eth0 only.

Best regards,
Pat Wendorf


May 9, 2011, 8:43:58 AM5/9/11
to SpotCloud Buyers
Thanks! it works!
I've summarized the steps I took (which are a little bit different
from the manual) at

On May 8, 10:34 am, Pat Wendorf <> wrote:
> Hello Udi,
> Ubuntu/Debian can be tricky when it comes to the networking.  Before
> packaging you need to delete
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, otherwise it will not use
> eth0 for your spotcloud network adaptor.  By default you will have
> DHCP setup for eth0 only.
> Best regards,
> Pat Wendorf
> On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 10:12 AM, udibr <> wrote:
> > I've followed instructions for creating my own appliance
> >

Pat Wendorf

May 9, 2011, 11:59:44 AM5/9/11
This is a great guide Udi, I've tweeted it :)

Best regards,
Pat Wendorf

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