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Another Brief

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Dec 30, 2007, 7:51:28 AM12/30/07
to SportsFeed Users
I am an independent developer attempting to spark interest in a
service I've developed which serves the fantasy sports industry. The
service is called SportsFeed Xml Processor and it is a middleware
service which connects databases to remote data sources such as web
services and xml feeds. Its ability to inspire and streamline IT
efforts can be summarized in these points:

- It provides a powerful set of options for importing and aggregating
remote data in real time including scheduling and monitoring
- It is a cross platform service which has been tested on Linux and
Windows servers.
- It supports a variety of RDBMS including Firebird, MySql, Oracle,
PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sql Server and Sybase.
- It is xml independent so that it can read from any type of xml.
- It is easy to setup, configure and is well documented.
- It has proven itself in production environments, continuously
importing live Fanball and SportsTicker data for over 2 years.
- It is an agile, test driven and standards compliant .NET
application which will scale and adapt gracefully to change.
- It is being actively developed and maintained.

I am confident that it will soon become widely accepted and sought
after by many more fantasy sports companies. After spending 4 years
developing similar solutions for a fantasy sports company, I have come
to realize how valuable such a tool can be.

Please let me know if you or any of your associates can see the
value of such a tool. I would love to meet or correspond with you.
Please forward this message on to others in your IT and business
departments or anyone who might be inspired by the effect that such a
tool will have on their operations. For more information, please

Thank You,

Travis Staloch
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