core properties -- Cricket

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Tom Grahame

Oct 23, 2013, 8:21:37 AM10/23/13
Class: CricketTeam
    property: rdfs:subClassOf [SportsTeam]
    property: previousEvent [SportsEvent]
    property: nextEvent [SportsEvent]
    property: teamMember [Person]
    property: score [Integer]
    property: leaguePosition [Integer]
    property: points [Integer]
    property: wins [Integer]
    property: draws [Integer]
    property: losses [Integer]
    property: wicketsRemaining [Integer]
    property: overs [Integer]
    property: wicketsWonBy [Integer]
    property: runsWonBy [Integer]
    property: batting [Integer]
    property: bowling [Integer]
    property: pointsDeducted [Integer]
Class: CricketCompetition
    property: fixture [CricketMatch]
    property: result [CricketMatch]

Class: CricketMatch
    property: rdfs:subClassOf [SportsEvent]
    property: awayCompetitor [CricketTeam]
    property: homeCompetitor [CricketTeam]
    property: start [dateTime]

Class: Person
    property: role [CricketPlayer]
    property: runs [Integer]
    property: minutes [Integer]
    property: 4s [Integer]
    property: 6s [Integer]
    property: overs [Integer]
    property: maidens [Integer]
    property: runs [Integer]
    property: wickets [Integer]

Class: CricketPlayer
    property: position [CricketPosition]

Paul Kelly

Oct 29, 2013, 12:20:38 PM10/29/13
All, I've tried to organize this the way SportsML organizes things, by dividing stats and properties that are generally relevant from those that are specific to a sport. These can then be applied either to a team or a player.

But I'm not sure if that was what was called for here. I've defined a set of general SportsStats that are applicable to not only ice-hockey but, say, soccer as well. But things like power-play-goals beling in the subClass IceHockeyStats.

I've also pulled enumerations for event-status and player position from SportsML


- [ ] Class: SportsTeam
- [ ] memberOf (division or conference or league)
- [ ] property:alignment
- [ ] home
- [ ] away
- [ ] subClass:IceHockeyTeam
- [ ] Class: SportsStats
- [ ] property:eventsPlayed
- [ ] property:wins
- [ ] property:losses
- [ ] property:ties
- [ ] property:overtimeLosses
- [ ] property:timePlayed
- [ ] property:timePlayedAverage
- [ ] property:standingPoints
- [ ] property:winsAway
- [ ] property:winsHome
- [ ] property:winsDivision
- [ ] property:winsConference
- [ ] property:lossesAway
- [ ] property:lossesHome
- [ ] property:lossesDivision
- [ ] property:lossesConference
- [ ] [same for OTL and ties]
- [ ] property:scoreFor
- [ ] property:scoreAgainst
- [ ] property:scoreAttemptsFor
- [ ] property:scoreAttemptsAgainst
- [ ] property:streak
- [ ] property:eventOutcome
- [ ] win
- [ ] loss
- [ ] tie
- [ ] overtimeLoss
- [ ] subClass:IceHockeyStats
- [ ] property:assists
- [ ] property:plusMinus
- [ ] property:penaltyMinutes
- [ ] property:points
- [ ] property:goals
- [ ] property:goalsAgainst
- [ ] property:goalsPowerPlay
- [ ] property:goalsShortHanded
- [ ] property:shotsOnGoal
- [ ] property:shootingPercentage
- [ ] property:goalieWins
- [ ] property:goalieLosses
- [ ] property:goalsAgainstAverage
- [ ] property:savePercentage
- [ ] property:shutouts
- [ ] Class:Athlete
- [ ] memberOf (team)
- [ ] subClass:IceHockeyPlayer
- [ ] property:position
- [ ] defenseman
- [ ] left-defenseman
- [ ] right-defenseman
- [ ] forward
- [ ] left-forward
- [ ] right-forward
- [ ] center
- [ ] goalie
- [ ] Class:SportsEvent
- [ ] subClass:SportsPeriod
- [ ] property:periodNumber
- [ ] [stats such as score and scoreAgainst]
- [ ] property:timeElapsed
- [ ] property:timeRemaining
- [ ] property:siteAlignment
- [ ] home
- [ ] neutral
- [ ] property:eventStatus
- [ ] pre-event
- [ ] mid-event
- [ ] post-event
- [ ] postponed
- [ ] suspended
- [ ] halted
- [ ] forfeited
- [ ] rescheduled
- [ ] delayed
- [ ] canceled
- [ ] intermission
- [ ] if-necessary
- [ ] discarded
- [ ] subClass:IceHockeyEvent

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