Slideshow - Extra Info field limitation

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Opus Penguin

Nov 24, 2013, 10:47:47 AM11/24/13
The Extra Info field in slideshows seems to be limited to 1.7 lines of text. Does it display differently for others? I'm referring to text entered into the third column in the Data tab when creating the quiz. This text shows up at the bottom of the slide. The first line of text gets displayed fully. The second line has the bottom quarter or third cut off. That's true in Firefox and Chrome anyway. Internet Explorer displays more of the third line, but still cuts off the descenders on any letters that have them. Here's an example if you want to see what I'm talking about or, maybe, report back that it looks fine to you.

I don't suppose there's a fix for this? I'd love to be able to spill over onto a second line of text if I need to. And I suppose I could, since the second line is visible enough to be readable. But the presentation leaves something to be desired.

On the plus side, varying the font size or page magnification doesn't appear to change where the text wraps. The first line in slide one of the example I linked to above always reads "Here's some text in the Extra Info field that wraps to a second line. For me, that second line only shows the". The size of the letters will vary, but Line 1 will never have more or less text. I'd be grateful for confirmation from others that the line wraps at exactly that point for them as well. Then at least I'd know how much text I can sneak in before the Line 2 problem shows up.


Nov 24, 2013, 1:47:25 PM11/24/13
Opus - looking at your test quiz,

For slide one I see:

Here's some text in the Extra Info field that wraps to a second line. For me, that second line only shows the
top 2/3 to 3/4. It's perfectly readable, but not ideal. And I'm worried it will display differently on other screens.

The bottom of the second line does have the issue you mention, and is missing the bottoms of the letters "p" and "y"

I suggest you submit a feedback report about this also, and thanks for bringing it up.

- napb

Opus Penguin

Nov 25, 2013, 3:55:45 PM11/25/13

On Sunday, November 24, 2013 12:47:25 PM UTC-6, needapausebutton wrote:
The bottom of the second line does have the issue you mention, and is missing the bottoms of the letters "p" and "y"

I suggest you submit a feedback report about this also, and thanks for bringing it up.

Thanks. I'd forgotten it was possible to submit a feedback report. That's an excellent idea and I've done so.


Nov 26, 2013, 1:06:49 AM11/26/13
If it's still relevant, I saw the same cut-off as you, Opus; about half the line was cut off (and I actually just happened to come across that same issue when I converted one of my quizzes to slideshow two days ago).


Jun 14, 2015, 11:44:59 AM6/14/15
I just ran into this same issue with a quiz I am working on. So - is there still no way to get around this limitation?


Jun 14, 2015, 12:12:00 PM6/14/15
MMMP - that "issue" is still present. My hunch is that it may or may not get "fixed". As it is, it does encourage a certain amount of brevity within the hint and answer bars (the limit being a line of text), which in turn fosters simplicity & a quicker pace of play.

Occasionally I've integrated text into my slides. As long as doing so is essential to the goals and presentation of the quiz, and is not just a way to "stretch" out the wording, this might be a workaround.

Feel free to e-mail me to discuss your idea and your options.

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