Here is a new single link to a vast set of resources which can assist Sporcle quiz-makers.
It includes its own internal links to Sporcle’s FAQ, key blog posts, and all known threads within Sporcle University which already provide answers to frequent questions:
"Sporcle How To" Resource Link
It is our hope that this single link will be a viable source of many solutions, empowering newbies or those of us experimenting with formats heretofore new to us.
You can explore it for yourself. And, if you are aware of a useful link therein, you can feel free to direct others to it, and/or specific solutions you now know already exist therein, when new threads with “repeat” questions appear in this forum.
It is a work-in-progress, which we hope will also eventually lead to more in-depth procedural guidelines, along with visible samples.
Huge props are due to NYYanks, mic747, and LabinotHarbuzi, who spent eons sifting through ALL existing forum posts here, determining which responses seemed most useful/helpful -- resulting in countless topics covered already by this resource.
Gigantic props are due to goseaward, for establishing, and for writing/populating the initial wordpress pages and links.
Also, TheCleverone and beforever are the remainder of the original team of us which bounced these ideas around, so thanks to them as well.
If you have suggestions or questions about the site, please post them in this thread, or you can contact me directly via my Sporcle profile page address.
Thanks to Matt and the administration for allowing us to “run with this” for now. At some point these efforts may meld into an internal Sporcle wiki-like resource, but we wanted to enable you to avail yourself of what has already been put together.
Finally, thanks as well to the veteran site contributors, moderators and administrators, who took the time at some point along this road, to write the many incredible blog guides or reference works now linked to in this resource.
- napb
Have you also checked if there was some useful information on Sporclepedia yet? It doesn't show up between your sources, but there might be additional info on one of the 266 pages of info there (it might be a tad outdated, since it has been a ghost town since May this year).