Fantasy (Premier League) Football- Sporcle League

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Dec 25, 2013, 11:07:46 PM12/25/13
Hello everyone.

Just a quick note to say that I have just created a private league on for any Sporclers that are interested. Obviously we're mid-season now so I don't know how many people have a fantasy team on that website, but I'm sure it'd be nice to see how well anyone else is doing. It looks like this worked out well for NYYanks and co. for their NFL one, and I don't see why this shouldn't also.

If you want to join, even if only to find out the brilliant name the league has been given, when logged in click on leagues, then join a league, select Private League and enter the code 402931-679675. Anyone and everyone is welcome; the more the merrier.


Dec 26, 2013, 4:10:24 AM12/26/13
Good job Matteo, hopefully we can get a decent amount for the rest of the season and then continue to expand next year :) My team is 'MurderOnZidanesFloor' and I've had a bit of a mediocre season - I was quick to capitalise on Aaron Ramey's burst of form but I was too late to put Luis Suarez in which cost me dearly!


Dec 26, 2013, 8:45:36 PM12/26/13
Looks like a fairly average gameweek for everyone really, first time I've been top in any of my leagues this season :)


Dec 27, 2013, 8:09:00 PM12/27/13
Nice, I've always thought a Sporcle Fantasy would be fun. I just joined as team Kubes.
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May 11, 2014, 6:47:08 PM5/11/14
And so the Premier League drew to a close today, heralding in 3 months of uninterrupted English boredom. Okay, bisected by that thing in Brazil.

The press have speculated over who would win for months on end, but now I can finally announce the results of the Sporcle Fantasy Football League.

In 5th place... skuban with 2,051 points
In 4th place... LabinotHarbuzi with 2,058 points
In 3rd place... me with 2,145 points (another week and I might have got 2nd)
In 2rd place... Cryptus with 2,153 points

And the winner, with 2,252 points is (who I assume to be) Headers2304!

So that's it for this season. This has worked pretty well, so I plan to start a new thread as soon as the fantasy league is open for 2014/15. Everyone in here will be automatically added to the league once they've made their team. Anyone and everyone else will be welcome to join, no particular footballing knowledge is necessary. In the meantime, there'll probably be something similar for the world cup once we've actually worked out what's happening.


May 12, 2014, 3:26:11 AM5/12/14
Congratulations Headers2304! I just about pipped Skuban to 4th spot haha ;)

Next season should also be a good season with a few additional users hopefully and I'll keep my eyes open for a World Cup one coming out soon :)


May 12, 2014, 6:34:17 AM5/12/14
Phew, didn't realise it was that close! Good fun as always, looking forward to the World Cup now...


Aug 5, 2015, 5:18:46 PM8/5/15
to Sporcle University
So it's that time of year again. Three months of transfers and dull pre-season fixtures are at and end, and the Premier League is due to get under way again. The Sporcle Fantasy Premier League enters its third season, with 2014 won by Headers2304 and 2015 won by me.

For those that haven't played before, you pick 15 players within a budget of 100 million. Each gameweek you pick 11 players in a valid formation that you think will score the most points, in view of the fixtures occurring. You may make transfers as the season progresses.

There are seven Sporclers due to enter the fray this year, and newcomers would be more than welcome to join - after all a larger number of players makes for a more interesting competition! There are also a few players that were present last season that have not yet made a team for this season (a special mention goes to the long running (and I sense inadvertent) battle between Befootballers and Erin's Team).

To join our league:

1) visit
2) Follow the instructions through to select your team
3) Once it has been set up, click "Leagues" in the bar at the top
4) Click "Join a League"
5) Type in or paste the code 304054-430977
6) Marvel at the tremendous Premier League-related wordplay in the team names



Sep 23, 2015, 8:44:04 AM9/23/15
to Sporcle University

Hey folks! Just to let you all know I've set up the annual Fantasy Champions League and Fantasy Europa League once again this season. Now, you may well be aware that the Champions League kicked off last week but for some reason the website was having some large technical difficulties therefore they postponed scoring until Matchday 2 which is next week (Sep 29th/30th). So there is 1 week left to enter your teams :) It works very similar to Fantasy Premier League and in my opinion, is more fun this year as they have tightened up pricing to make it more challenging (Good luck putting in Ronaldo and Messi haha!)

So for the Champions League one, the game can be found on the Official website.
Then, under 'Gaming', there should be an option for Fantasy,
Then, once you have logged in or registered your account you can enter your team,
Once you've done this, select 'Leagues' and finally 'Join', then you can enter in the League code which is 8016884.

The Europa League version works very similarly but in my opinion is more fun as its more challenging!
Registration works the same through the Europa League's Official website,
Once your team has been selected, you can join our league, for which the code is 8016892.

Good luck folks! :D

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