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Doug Kaye

Nov 15, 2010, 12:59:23 PM11/15/10
to spokenwor...@googlegroups.com
Hello, Curators!

We're making progress towards our "official" launch of the curation
feature next month. I've just published some changes to the homepage.
Please take a look and tell me what you think.

1. Up to one curation (the most recently updated one) now appear as
the first featured item within their categories. For example, Željko
Filipin's "Podcasts on Software Testing" curation is featured under

2. Other curations (updated less recently) appear at the top of the
center column.

3. Only one curation per curator will appear on the homepage.

4. The tag cloud has been eliminated from the right-hand column.

Other changes I'm considering -- what do you think? -- include:

5. A greater emphasis on Search.

6. Removing the built-in audio players from the homepage. Visitors
would have to click to the program-detail page to play.

7. Removing the ability to "collect" directly from the homepage. This
would make the homepage load much more quickly by eliminating a lot of
Ajax calls.

8. Add a "Firehose" widget that shows the most-recently discovered
programs, regardless of category.

Most important from this group, I want to know how you feel your
curations are presented on the homepage. If we're going to attract
more curators, they'll want to believe it's worth their time and

Thanks again.


Doug Kaye, Executive Director
The Conversations Network
A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit
v: 415.868.5461
twitter: dougkaye

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