Bug: Recently Added Podcasts not Associated with their Feeds

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Nov 26, 2010, 2:58:11 AM11/26/10
to SpokenWord.org-Curators
Hi Doug and fellow Curators,

I added a couple new Podcast feeds to SpokenWord.org today and noticed
the shows aren't associated with their feeds. Not sure if it takes a
long time to propagate or what, but it's been several hours and the
Feed source link on the lower right hand side is blank.

Two examples:

You can see the Audio file, and Web page links are present, but
there's no link to the Feed.

Is this an issue being worked on? Or a side effect of some changes on
the site?

Kevin (aka LonelyBob)

Doug Kaye

Nov 26, 2010, 3:12:55 AM11/26/10
to spokenwor...@googlegroups.com
So did you actually add the programs to our database and then add them
to your collection, or did you find the programs already in our
database and then add them to your collection? It sounds like the
former, in which case the behavior makes sense. If you add a single
program to the database, we have no way of knowing what feed(s) it
might be associated with.

OTOH, I see there are photos associated with these programs, and the
only way that happens is if we get the programs from feeds. So perhaps
we really do have a bug.

Back to the initial question, then. What process did you go through?
They show as submitted by you, so it's hard to tell. And if there is a
feed for these programs, which one is it?



Nov 28, 2010, 7:55:05 PM11/28/10
to SpokenWord.org-Curators
Hi Doug,

I simply pasted the RSS Feed into the Submit a new Feed box on the top
right of SpokenWord.org front page.

Strangely enough the Feed links are now showing properly, so maybe
there was a long delay for some reason. Maybe the backend server was
busy or perhaps it was a bug. Not sure, either way something to keep
in mind to check next time you add a new Feed to SpokenWord.org check
that the Feed link is correctly showing after submission.

Kevin (aka LonelyBob)

On Nov 26, 5:12 pm, Doug Kaye <d...@rds.com> wrote:
> So did you actually add the programs to our database and then add them
> to your collection, or did you find the programs already in our
> database and then add them to your collection? It sounds like the
> former, in which case the behavior makes sense. If you add a single
> program to the database, we have no way of knowing what feed(s) it
> might be associated with.
> OTOH, I see there are photos associated with these programs, and the
> only way that happens is if we get the programs from feeds. So perhaps
> we really do have a bug.
> Back to the initial question, then. What process did you go through?
> They show as submitted by you, so it's hard to tell. And if there is a
> feed for these programs, which one is it?
>    ...doug
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