Dear José,
I think I might have some input on your approach. To me, it seems reasonable to treat ARDs and camera traps as separate sampling units since their detection probabilities are likely different. Incorporating random effects for both the 10-hectare sampling units and device types seems like the correct approach.
A random effect could particularly useful because it accounts for variation across different levels of a factor, like your 10-hectare sampling units and device types, without having to estimate a separate parameter for each. In your case, devices within the same 10-hectare unit may be correlated due to similar environmental conditions or spatial proximity. By including a random effect for these units, you can account for this clustering without assuming the same occupancy or detection probability across all units.
Similarly, different detection devices (ARDs vs. camera traps) likely have different detection probabilities. Adding a random effect for device_type allows you to account for that variability in detection probabilities across devices while still sharing information across them.
A simple random intercept model would account for baseline differences in detection or occupancy between units and devices:
occ.formula = ~ fhd + (1 | 10ha_sampling_unit) + (1 | device_type)
If you suspect that the covariates, such as forest height density (fhd), might have different effects across units or devices, a random slope model would allow the effect of fhd to vary across them:
occ.formula = ~ fhd + (1 + fhd | 10ha_sampling_unit) + (1 + fhd | device_type)
Random effects are great for addressing this kind of variation in a flexible way. Testing both models should help you determine which best fits your data.
Let me know if you’d like to discuss further!
Best regards,
Gilles Colling
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