offset - transect lines

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Nan Nourn

Jul 27, 2024, 1:40:33 PMJul 27
to spOccupancy and spAbundance users
Hi Jeff,

Timely news on the new google group! I wanted to ask you about setting up the offset for  distance sampling with line transect data. In your example vignette, the offset is calculated for a point-count site (area of a circle) then converted to hectares (

For a transect line site, would the offset number just be (distance transect line walked * strip-width) if we just wanted to calculate individuals per square kilometer at that site?
Thus, our study area consists of 74 transects with offset being (4km * 0.100km)=0.4


Doser, Jeffrey

Jul 27, 2024, 3:18:03 PMJul 27
to Nan Nourn, spOccupancy and spAbundance users
Hi Nan,

Yes, that's exactly right. If all transects are 4km and strip width is .1km, then setting "offset = 0.4" in the "data" list argument will give estimates in terms of density (abundance per square km). Note that you can also supply the offset as a vector with a different value for each site if you had transects of different length.

Hope all is well!



Jeffrey W. Doser, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Zipkin Quantitative Ecology Lab
Michigan State University
Pronouns: he/him/his

From: <> on behalf of Nan Nourn <>
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2024 1:40 PM
To: spOccupancy and spAbundance users <>
Subject: offset - transect lines
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