Dear Jeffrey,
Hope you are well! I am currently working on a multi species N-Mixture model with two abundance covariates, one abundance factor and three detection covariates, with my MSc supervisor Todd Lewis who posted on here recently.
I am trying to plot the predicted abundance of the two abundance covariates separately, but I am having some trouble doing so. My code seems to combine the covariates together and I can't find a way to explicitly choose which covariate to plot. I think the issue may occur due to both plots using the same values for the y-axis and having the same quantile values, however I am unsure how to change this.
I have attached the code below, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you! All the best,
############ Pred Modelling Abundance ############
# Define the first covariate values
cov.pred.vals.A <- seq(min(dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 'abund.cov.1']),
max(dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 'abund.cov.1']),
length.out = 50)
# Scale the first covariate values
cov.pred.vals.As <- (cov.pred.vals.A - mean(dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 'abund.cov.1'])) /
sd(dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 'abund.cov.1'])
# Define the second covariate values
cov.pred.vals.B <- seq(min(dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 'abund.cov.2']),
max(dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 'abund.cov.2']),
length.out = 50)
# Scale the second covariate values
cov.pred.vals.Bs <- (cov.pred.vals.B - mean(dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 'abund.cov.2'])) /
sd(dataNMixSim$abund.covs[, 'abund.cov.2'])
#Put into Matrix
X.A <- as.matrix(data.frame(Intercept = 1, abund.cov.1 = cov.pred.vals.As, abund.cov.2 = cov.pred.vals.Bs))
# Check the resulting matrix
# Run predictive model for abundance estimation
abund.pred <- predict(mod.NB, X.0 = X.A, ignore.RE = TRUE, type = 'abundance')
#Apply confidence interval range
mu.0.quants.A <- apply(abund.pred$mu.0.samples, c(2, 3), quantile,
prob = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
#specify number of species
n.sp <- 16
#Assemble as dataframe for plotting ggplot2
mu.0.plot.A <- data.frame( = c(mu.0.quants.A[2, , ]),
mu.low = c(mu.0.quants.A[1, , ]),
mu.high = c(mu.0.quants.A[3, , ]),
sp = rep(1:n.sp, nrow(X.A)),
abund.cov.1 = rep(cov.pred.vals.A, each = n.sp))
# Example species names vector
sp_names <- c("AgCl","BaRu","CrFz","CrNb","CrPs","CrPy","DnPh","DiDa","InCn","LpMl","LpSv","OpPu","RnVa","RhMr","ScEl","SmBd")
# Assuming `sp` in your data frame is a numeric vector from 1 to 16
mu.0.plot.A$sp_name <- sp_names[mu.0.plot.A$sp]
#Plot prediction with covariate influence
P1 <- ggplot(mu.0.plot.A, aes(x = abund.cov.1, y = +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = mu.low, ymax = mu.high), fill = 'grey70') +
geom_line() +
theme_bw() +
facet_wrap(vars(sp_name), scales = 'free_y') +
labs(x = 'Covariate', y = 'Expected abundance')
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