How do I make a Google Doc from Google Sheet data?

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Jennifer Bliss

Jan 29, 2019, 5:05:36 PM1/29/19
There are many Google add-ons that mail-merge data from Google Sheets but this is what I use: Save As Doc. Another add-on I've tested is autoCrat. It has a LOT more functionality than I want for this purpose so I rely on Save As Doc to create my mail-merges. Watch me do it here or read the instructions below.

In Google Sheets, navigate to Add-ons and select Get add-ons:


In the Add-ons window search for: save as doc. My results have a green [Manage] button and so will yours once you click the blue [+ FREE] (aka: add) button and add it to your G-Sheets.

Save As Doc or autoCrat.PNG

When you want to mail-merge data, first sort the data so the last submission is at the TOP of the sheet. Then select the header row and row two (or additional rows if there are multiple submissions you want to create docs for). 

select top lines.PNG

Once installed, you will find Save As Doc in your list of Add-ons picklist. 

save as doc in add-on picklist.PNG   

Naviatege to Save As Doc and mouse right to click Start. The Save As Doc popup window will appear on the right side of your screen:

saveasdoc presets.PNG

Enter the file name you want it to have (you can change later) and select/deselect the settings. This is just what I have preset for my mail-merges but you can configure yours however you want. 

When you're done, click the blue [Save as Doc] and a new Google Doc link will appear below the blue button. Open it and voilà!

mailmerged gdoc of gsheet data.PNG

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