Hello! I invite you to join a SPLICE working group meeting to discuss potential research projects related to Parson's problems. This will be on Monday, December 18 at 4:00pm (Eastern).
In the meantime, we would like to bring the group together to discuss potential research that we might pursue collectively, perhaps aided by the standards. Here are a few possibilities:
* Can Parsons problems serve the role of interactive (without the aid of an instructor) worked examples?
* Can we build effective Parsons Problems from collections (such as ProgSnap databases) of program exercise submissions? That is, can we automate identifying distractors from where people go wrong?
* How can we associate knowledge components with Parsons Problems?
* Can we expand the domains of application for Parsons Problems?
* Please bring other suggestions!
Feel free to invite others who might be interested. We hope to see you there!
-- Cliff, on behalf of the SPLICE team