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Parsons Problems working group meeting

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Cliff Shaffer

Dec 11, 2023, 9:06:06 PM12/11/23
to Cay Horstmann, Dr. Carl C. Haynes-Magyar, Barbara Ericson, Stephen Edwards, Seth Poulsen, SPLICE Parson's Problems Working Group, Cliff Shaffer, Peter Brusilovsky, Ken Koedinger, Thomas Price, Tiffany Barnes
Hello! I invite you to join a SPLICE working group meeting to discuss potential research projects related to Parson's problems. This will be on Monday, December 18 at 4:00pm (Eastern).

As you might know, I have been working to catalog variations on Parsons Problems found in use, see: Related to this, I encourage the group to adopt standards for problem definition and for output traces. I hope to bring strawman proposals for consideration this Spring.

In the meantime, we would like to bring the group together to discuss potential research that we might pursue collectively, perhaps aided by the standards. Here are a few possibilities:
* Can Parsons problems serve the role of interactive (without the aid of an instructor) worked examples?
* Can we build effective Parsons Problems from collections (such as ProgSnap databases) of program exercise submissions? That is, can we automate identifying distractors from where people go wrong?
* How can we associate knowledge components with Parsons Problems?
* Can we expand the domains of application for Parsons Problems?
* Please bring other suggestions!

Feel free to invite others who might be interested. We hope to see you there!
                  -- Cliff, on behalf of the SPLICE team

Dr. Cliff Shaffer                                               
Professor and Associate Department Head for Graduate Studies
Department of Computer Science              Phone: (540) 231-4354
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061          WWW:

Carl Haynes-Magyar

Dec 14, 2023, 12:32:27 PM12/14/23
to Cliff Shaffer, Cay Horstmann, Barbara Ericson, Stephen Edwards, Seth Poulsen, SPLICE Parson's Problems Working Group, Peter Brusilovsky, Ken Koedinger, Thomas Price, Tiffany Barnes
Thanks, Cliff. Looking forward to it!
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