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Welcome to the Parsons Problems Interoperability Standards Working Group!

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Cliff Shaffer

Apr 16, 2023, 6:03:13 PM4/16/23
to SPLICE Parson's Problems Working Group
Thank you for your interest in working with likeminded people to help set interoperability standards to promote reuse of Parsons problems.

Sorry that it has taken me so long to set this up!

The two things that I am most anxious to reach some sort of agreement on is:
i) A representation for problem descriptions. Ideally, all of the tools would then support this representation standard.
ii) A representation for the event trace generated by users who are working Parsons Problems.

If there are other items that you think should be on the group's agenda, please post here.

I will try to get back to everyone to suggest a mechanism for arranging an initial meeting, and some initial ideas related to the standard.
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