Dear SPLASH users,
I am very pleased to announce the release of SPLASH v2.1.1. This is a "quasi-minor" release, there's no big new features, but a lot of small things have been improved/fixed. As such, I highly recommend it for all users.
Download it from:
Or if you have a svn copy: cd splash; svn update; cd giza; svn update; cd -; make cleanall; make
Or update via macports in a few days time...
Summary of new features:
* irregular (polygon-based or circular) particle selection implemented using shift-left click or middle click
* improved h5part and GADGET HDF5 data reads
(in particular, GADGET HDF5 read now works with distributed snapshot files .0.hdf5 etc.)
* splash can now be compiled in double precision
(use make DOUBLEPRECISION=yes, will break some data reads but most work OK)
* bug fixes with calculated quantities + change of coordinate systems
* improved vector plot legend
* option for box+numbers but no labels added
* can type numbers like 20 followed by space to skip forward 20 files
* giza accepts "file.png", "file.eps" or just ".png", ".eps" as valid device specifications
* X11 library link problem with giza on ubuntu fixed
* various minor changes and bug fixes
Obviously, let me know if you have any issues.
Happy splash-ing,