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Re: Msgs continue to bounce to your address...

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Frank Reichert

Oct 23, 2005, 1:36:35 AM10/23/05
Good evening again, Connie!

Connie Rose Pierre wrote to Frank Reichert...

> I don't know if you were aware of the e-mail relationship Roger and I
> had. It started when I e-mailed him a couple years before he was killed
> and I asked him if he thought it was possible that Dave could have done
> all the things he had claimed to do in such a short life span. From
> that point on, we would write back and forth, including the day Roger
> died and the context was making fun of Dave's relationship with Brian A.
> .. :) Roger would get downright crude and lewd and I would laugh until
> tears ran from my eyes.

I know. I was there. At that time I was in the Philippines, and
I often called Roger long distance and discussed some of the crap
that was taking place at that time. I'm not blowing smoke. It's
true. All of it is true.

> I have been blocked from Kharma many times, then he realizes he needs
> someone to stir up some shit and calls and asks me how I've been and all
> that sort of thing and why don't I check out the Kharma.

Exactly. Why do you suppose when I returned back to Idaho in
2003, Dave was on the line "literally", on the phone, asking how
he might assist and help to put spk.liberty_nw back on the usenet
backbone? I am now blocked from kharma, as you just mentioned
above. I doubt if Dave will ever come back, hat in hand, and ask
to have anything to do with me. Such is well with me too.

Dave's original overture to me was to control something that
might otherwise be out of his control. That's what this has
always been about since day one, and that goes back more than 10
years or so when Rocky Sellbach controlled all of the Newsgroups
on the spk.* heirarchy. Interesting enough, Liberty Northwest
has always been a media that NEVER depended upon Dave for
anything at all. And, that was something that bugged him for
several years. He knew that! Many of the same personalities on
Liberty Northwest today are STILL THERE, and post, and don't even
know Dave Laird.

Over the last two years, I caught him with his shorts down. He
hosted spk.liberty_nw, the NNTP newsgroup of the same traffic.
And I have long noted, that ALL OF THAT TRAFFIC flows one-way. It
did not, hasn't, and doesn't flow from USENET into Dave's server
because he blocks it all, and it has NOTHING at all to do with
Katrina! It has everything to do with Dave's obsession of
controlling what takes place on his own News Server, and how he
controlls all of that for his own purpose.

> After Stephanie, my daughter, died of a methadone overdose - to which
> Dave decided to wait with me at Deaconess... I don't even know how he
> knew. Perhaps because on the way there, I had been told in Moses Lake
> Stephanie and an aneursym and I was thinking of a long term stay and
> probably contacted Dave, I really don't remember. I would sit down
> momentarily and stare off into space and he would wave his hand in front
> of my face and I wanted to throttle him. He was there and Suzie is a
> saint in my eyes.

I can well imagine such indignation, and it happened again when
Roger was murdered. Dave wanted to take charge, and show that he
was somehow in charge of the murder investigation. That was a
bunch of bull shit, and it should NEVER have been allowed to
pass. At that time, Roger and I were discussing such things as
Dave's paranoia, and his inability to deal with the real world.
Roger would NEVER have allowed Dave to have anything whatsoever
to do with the investigation into his own murder, and Dave would
likely have been his last choice, for handling the aftermath of
what occurred. I know that for sure.

> I don't most of the things Dave writes about his drinking adventures, or
> what he has done and accomplished. My aunt, uncle and great grandmother
> and I think my grandfather are all available on Amazon. There is no book
> anywhere that has been sold by Dave Laird and I know he wouldn't use an
> alias.. Don't worry frank.. I know there is some way I can check you
> out. I have a fixed IP address at $10 a month because Dave was having
> shit fits about how hard it was to keep up with my changing IP so I
> ordered a static IP address to shut him up.

That's exactly the sick fix Dave was demanding that I put up.
That was until I called him on the carpet. I don't need to
change my email host or IP, since he certainly has the capability
of blocking individual email addresses on his own. He didn't
want to go there, but obviously he could do that rather easily
since I do that all the time. It's easy to block email addresses
and ban them from ever bothering you again by simply blocking them!

What Dave obviously wanted was to control my email client
account. I wouldn't let him do that, and that pissed him off. He
then restricted and blocked my email address, even sending him
personal email. And, I believe, he did a lot more than that. He
blocked outgoing traffic to the spk.liberty_nw, that did NOT
originate from his own mail server. That is really what this
whole thing is all about.

> I dont' know if you remember the great war about 5 or more years ago -
> That's when Greg and many others, including myself disappeared. He
> called me names, blocked me from emailing him and trying to see what was
> happening. He told me his phone was only for emergencies, then other
> times he tells me to call if I need anything.

Oh yes. I remember all of that. Honestly I do. Nothing has
changed much over the years, either, has it?

> Roger was so right about Dave and I was on to him as well. It kept us
> entertained up to the day he died.

I am going to enterlude here for just a moment, because Roger and
I were communicating verbally, by phone, up until about the time
he was murdered. The quote I used, from him is exact, and from
Roger himself, and I will never forget it. It is morbid that
Dave Laird tried to muscle his way into Roger's death as IF Dave
was his close friend, or really cared about Roger at all, or his
family! That fiscade was so terribly wrong. At the time,
preceding his death, Roger wanted nothing at all to do with Dave

> The reason I didn't go to the
> funeral, is I had words with Dave about his being the big head honcho
> regarding Roger's death. He said something to the effect he knew where
> Roger's body was. If that was so, why wouldn't he tell anyone instead of
> letting the animals and bugs work on it for 10 days while his family
> grieved. And then Chi wouldn't talk to Dave anymore. Gee, I wonder why.

You've got Dave pegged exactly right! And you have to know too,
this was all a charade. Dave was NEVER there, for nothing,
anything, WALLA! This was another figment of Dave's imagination,
wishing that he might have been a credible crime reporter, which
I doubt very much he ever could have been! Dave Laird tried to
capitalize on Roger's murder, and that is abhorent to me
personally, and still is! Roger wasn't at that time a huge fan
of Dave Laird, and Dave knew that. Nevertheless, Dave did what he
did, said what he said, and tried to make the "faithfull" believe
him! Isn't that really sick? How sick can you get anyway?

> While I was waiting for the report on what killed Stephanie Dave wrote
> me and told me he hoped I was sitting down... duh.. I'm at a computer...
> But he knew from an inside source that Stephanie died from a drug
> overdose. I thought that was the problem, but I wasn't sure because of
> the CT scan being misleading in Moses Lake. He just couldn't let it go.
> I called the coroner and asked what information is available to family
> and to the public. The public can only ask the cause of death, I can get
> a copy of the autopsy report, which I think I will do soon. Dave said
> he had seen it because he had an inside friend. The only way he could
> get it is by misrepresenting himself. I told the gal what he looked like
> and in no uncertain terms did I want him to have that autopsy report.
> He was trying to be in control when I was watching my daughter die.

I don't doubt any of this for one minute. Only that he somehow
had the audacity to pull something like this off in the first
place! I doubt honestly Dave has any "inside friends". Dave
plays heavily upon people that put their trust in Dave Laird.
Why would anyone want to do such a thing? Honestly?

Dave Laird's mind is full of un-exorcised demons. His own
brother said as much a few years ago. And Roger was a part of
those conversations as well.

> Anyway.. Dave is Dave and I missed most of the disagreement, but I
> figured you called him bluff and the only friend that has stayed his
> friend is Marty. The 'gatherings' are Suzie, Dave and Marty and
> sometimes just the 2 guys. If I go to Spokane I let them know and they
> will meet me for lunch.

Maybe so. Over the years, or so I've noticed, Dave both
demonizes me, and sometimes invites me back into the 'pact' with
him in charge, of course, to enliven conversations. Dave can
both stab me in the back big time, or huge and hiss me into his
so-described inner-circle of close friends! That's the way it
has always been with Dave! Dave even Moderated Liberty Northwest
when I couldn't do that several years ago.

> Dave is convinced you are a blithering alcoholic, so he knows whatever
> you say is bullshit. In reading your posts, you are articulate and well
> informed.

Excuse me. But Dave doesn't know me THAT WELL! He really doesn't.

But you have to understand too, that Dave has also praised me
when it suites his own purpose. He invited spk.liberty_nw back
and promised to support it on his own news server. This wasn't my
idea at all, it has his. Only to let it all go when he couldn't
control it any longer. And, that is where we are with this
matter right now, tonight.

> Take care Frank... Before you know it Dave will ask you to be on his
> server again and then cry about all the money he spends. He has
> threatened to shut it down I don't know how many times. Like we would
> all cry. I'm usually over on Yahoo talking to guys from all around the
> world and listening to the free music. I haven't even look in on Kharma
> today at all, though it was in my mind to do so.

I'm REALLY glad you where there! You have to know I am not as
naive as THAT don't you? Actually, you are not as naive as I
once thought you might be. You seem, actually, to have a pretty
close crasp on a lot of sordid events that have taken place over
the last several years. I look forward very much in seening you
once again. Really!

Kindest regards,

Please take care, and write me back when you can.

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