Defining reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS)

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Nov 27, 2015, 4:09:55 AM11/27/15
to spire-math
I try to define a type class for reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS), but I am stuck and need some help.

A kernel k is symmetric positive definite function (T, T) => Double. Moreover with curring we get T => H, where H is a RKHS of functions T => Double
It is important that the inner product of two elements of H is given by k(x,_) dot k(y,_) = k(x,y)

A trivial example for a kernel is the linear kernel k(x,y) => x*y.

import spire.algebra._
import spire.implicits._

 * A reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS)
 * May need to store the kernel and the input value it was mapped from

trait RKHS
[T] extends (T => Double)

 * A kernel is a symmetric positive definite function TxT -> Double
 * It can map a T into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS)
 * with x -> k(x,_)

Kernel[K, T] extends ((T, T) => Double) with (T => RKHS[T]) {
def eval(x: T, y: T): Double // kernel evaluation

override def apply(x: T): RKHS[T] = new RKHS[T] { // Hilbert space map
override def apply(y: T) = eval(x, y)
override final def apply(x: T, y: T): Double = apply(x)(y)

 * The space of functions of type T => V, where V is also a VectorSpace is a Vector space

KernelIsVectorSpace[K, T] extends FunctionSpaceIsVectorSpace[T, T => Double] {
override implicit def rng: VectorSpace[T => Double, Double] = implicitly[VectorSpace[T => Double, Double]]

 * Needs to be implemented

class RKHSisInnerProuctSpace[T] extends InnerProductSpace[RKHS[T], Double] {
override def dot(f: RKHS[T], g: RKHS[T]): Double = ???
override def scalar: Field[Double] = implicitly[Field[Double]]
override def zero: RKHS[T] = ???
override def negate(f: RKHS[T]): RKHS[T] = ???
override def plus(f: RKHS[T], g: RKHS[T]): RKHS[T] = ???
override def timesl(r: Double, f: RKHS[T]): RKHS[T] = ???

 * The space of functions of type T => V, where V is also a VectorSpace is a Vector space

FunctionSpaceIsVectorSpace[U, V] extends VectorSpace[U => V, Double] {
  type O
= (U => V)
implicit def rng: VectorSpace[V, Double]
override def scalar: Field[Double] = implicitly[Field[Double]]
override def zero: U => V = _ =>
override def negate(f: O): O = x => -1.0 *: f(x)
override def plus(f: O, g: O): O = x => f(x) + g(x)
override def timesl(r: Double, f: O): O = x => r *: f(x)

It would be great if someone could help me here.

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