Social Media and SEO Myths

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Scott Bywater

Nov 5, 2009, 11:00:07 AM11/5/09

A Free-Reprint Article Written by: Scott Bywater

Article Title:
Social Media and SEO Myths

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Article Description:
It was a book written by a web 2.0 search engine fan and he
was saying there was going to be a death of advertising and
everything would be done via search engines, social media,
etc. going forward. He was partly right, but mostly wrong.

Additional Article Information:

329 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2009-11-05 10:00:00

Written By: Scott Bywater
Copyright: 2009
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Social Media and SEO Myths
Copyright (c) 2009 Scott Bywater
Copywriting That SELLS

I was reading this book the other day about the death of

It was a book written by a web 2.0 search engine fan and he was
saying there was going to be a death of advertising and
everything would be done via search engines, social media, etc.
going forward.

Now that's partly true.

Things have shifted.

Twenty years ago the media was dominated by television and

And that was the only way to get your name out there on a mass

And that's certainly all changed.

But I was thinking the other day about some of my larger clients.

There's an 80 / 20 rule in business that... 80% of your business
comes from 20% of your clients.

Now I haven't crunched my numbers enough to know if this is
absolutely true in my case, but here's what I've noticed about
four of my top clients which generate a large percentage of my

One was generated by a referral.

And three were generated by picking up the phone or sending these
guys letters / emails directly to get them on board.

And NOT because they suddenly fell across me online via search
engines, blogs, social media, etc.

The message: Don't fall for all the hype.

If you know who your target market is then go after them.

Don't just rely on search.

Because with search you cannot control who you attract.

Sure, you can control via keyword.

But you cannot say I want a business who is turning over a
minimum of a million dollars a year in the manufacturing industry
for instance.

You can with direct mail.

Of course, you need to use the strategies you'll find in to make sure you
do it right and hit the nail on the head.

But once again, as with my last email you need to zig when they
zag and not just follow along blindly according to what everyone
else is saying and doing.

Scott Bywater is an advertising copywriting expert and the
author of Cash-Flow Advertising. To gain access to all of his
copywriting tips on how to get more customers via his eye opening
"Copywriting Selling Secrets" newsletter, simply head on over to
his web site at


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