How Online Marketing Consultants Can Supercharge Your Sales

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Paul Marshall

Nov 6, 2009, 2:00:04 PM11/6/09

A Free-Reprint Article Written by: Paul Marshall

Article Title:
How Online Marketing Consultants Can Supercharge Your Sales

See TERMS OF REPRINT to the end of the article.

Article Description:
Starting an online business, we all need to spend our money
carefully, often doing the work ourselves. But getting the
help and advice of Online Marketing Consultants could
actually save us money, by avoiding costly mistakes and
becoming profitable much faster. We understand the reasons
people should buy what we are selling. But can we
successfully explain that to our website visitors in
convincing language they relate to, instead of jargon and
lingo related to our industry?

Additional Article Information:

891 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2009-11-06 13:00:00

Written By: Paul Marshall
Copyright: 2009
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How Online Marketing Consultants Can Supercharge Your Sales
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul Marshall
Strategic Web Marketing Net

Starting out it can all be so overwhelming. But it doesn't need
to be.

We have to get our products or services exactly right.

Then we have to figure out how to explain them to others through
our website.

We understand the reasons people should buy what we are selling.
But can we successfully explain that to our website visitors in
convincing language they relate to, instead of jargon and lingo
related to our industry?

Finally, we have to develop an action plan to market online and
within our budget, which is often limited when first starting our

And how do we develop that marketing plan? Where do we get the
information necessary to formulate marketing techniques that will
actually work for us? The number of sources out there is simply

This is when getting feedback from a professional outside our own
industry can be valuable. You can turn to an affordable Online
Marketing Consultants who understands and specializes in small
businesses and new business start-ups.

What about Getting Internet Traffic to Your Site?

Some start by using pay-per-click marketing, like Google AdWords.
The trouble is that AdWords can get expensive quickly. And it
takes a LOT of time to set up and manage over time.

Starting out it may make sense to use AdWords. Plus, it can be a
great way to test your keyword search phrases to find out which
ones convert best. You can use AdWords for this purpose before
beginning search engine optimization (SEO).

But ultimately...sooner or later...most businesses need to
optimize for the search engines (SEO).

SEO can provide you qualified Internet traffic without
per-visitor costs. Think of it almost as free advertising...well,
free after the SEO costs in either time, money or some of both.

You should also utilize article marketing, getting your message
in front of article directory visitors and ezine newsletter
subscribers. This can generate faster sales, while you're
waiting on your SEO efforts to pay off.

Lastly, for most Internet businesses, they should use blog
postings or opt-in email marketing to stay in touch with their
prospective buyers, using a soft-sell method, over time. If ALL
you focus on are people who make a buying decision the very first
time they come to your site, you're missing out on the great
majority of sales you can make!

How Much Traffic Do You Need?

Here are some questions you'll need to consider when making
decisions about AdWords and SEO:

1. What is your monthly sales revenue goal from your website?

2. How much traffic to your website on a monthly basis will you
need to meet your sales goals?

3. What is (or will be) your click-through rate, whether from
AdWords impressions or organic SEO listings?

You need this number to determine the total number of monthly
impressions or search queries you'll need (for your AdWords ads
and your organic SEO listings to be seen by searchers), to arrive
at the monthly traffic number you need to your website.

4. What is (or will be) your conversion sales rate from your
traffic? Again, you need this number also to determine the amount
of monthly impressions or search queries you'll need.

Especially when first starting up, finding this type of data,
evaluating the accuracy of it and then implementing a plan can be
very time-consuming and can almost drive a person crazy!

There are a lot of so-called experts you can follow. But how do
you know if they know what they're talking about?

And without having these numbers (at least good estimates),
starting AdWords or SEO is like throwing darts with a blindfold

Again, this is where talking with 1 or 2 Online Marketing
Consultants can help light your path. Your result can be more
sales, MUCH faster.

Which Keyword Search Phrases are Right for Your Business?

Think of keywords as the windows or doors to your website.
Without using the right ones for YOUR business, your website is
like a house without windows or doors -- no one is coming in.
Kinda the opposite of what you're going for. :-)

What makes good keywords for your business?

My advice to clients I coach is your keywords should:

1. accurately match what the search engine users INTEND when they
type in their keywords to the services or products you offer (get
inside their heads);

2. bring you enough traffic to be worth the AdWords or SEO

3. offer affordable enough AdWords bid prices, if you're using

4. have obtainable first or second page SEO results;

5. contain words in the phrases that suggest a searcher who is
ready to spend money (unless you're offering something that is
truly free);

6. CONVERT directly to a sale, a sales lead, a sign-up...whatever
your goal is.

Wrapping it Up

Be open to the value affordable Online Marketing Consultants
offer you. Someone who has already gone down the road you're on
can help you avoid the potholes along the way. And those potholes
can be very expensive...

There are talented advisors out there who understand small
businesses and new business start-ups. And they price their
services for these businesses.

Using someone talented, you'll almost certainly make more sales,
more quickly.

And following that advice and the other suggestions in this
article, your Internet marketing plan should be off to a great

Marketing online since 2004, Paul Marshall can help you market
on a budget. You can learn about his affordable Internet
Marketing Consulting Services (and d-i-y Coaching) on his home
page: You can learn more
about Paul on his LinkedIn profile page: and at
Strategic Web


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