My New Top 10 Free Website Traffic Generation Methods - Part 1

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Willie Crawford

Mar 10, 2010, 11:30:05 AM3/10/10

A Free-Reprint Article Written by: Willie Crawford

Article Title:
My New Top 10 Free Website Traffic Generation Methods - Part 1

See TERMS OF REPRINT to the end of the article.

Article Description:
In 2008, I wrote an ebook that revealed my most effective
methods of generating free website traffic. As online
conditions and technologies change, I feel it's now time to
update that ebook. However, instead of revealing my new top
10 free website traffic generation methods in ebook format,
I'm going to do it in a 10-part article series.

Additional Article Information:

885 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2010-03-10 10:30:00

Written By: Willie Crawford
Copyright: 2010
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My New Top 10 Free Website Traffic Generation Methods - Part 1
Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Crawford
Willie Crawford Incorporated

In 2008, I wrote an ebook that revealed my most effective methods
of generating free website traffic. As online conditions and
technologies change, I feel it's now time to update that ebook.

However, instead of revealing my new top 10 free website traffic
generation methods in ebook format, I'm going to do it in a
10-part article series.

While I do list these methods in order of my preference, it's
not necessarily by which ones produce the most traffic. Instead,
I list them also considering which produce the highest quality
traffic, and therefore adds the most to my bottom-line.

Let's get started...

My number one favorite method of generating free website traffic
is via an affiliate program. I like releasing simple, inexpensive
products that pay as much as 100% commission on the front-end.
Properly done, this can create thousands of affiliates all
working frantically to send you highly-qualified BUYING traffic.

They find and send you traffic that you wouldn't otherwise have,
and you reward them for doing so.

If you'd like to see a live example of how I do this, visit: The product there is a $17
audio/ebook combination where I pay affiliates 100% commission.
That ebook is called "The Secrets To Selling More Big Ticket
Products" and is an MP3 and PDF transcript where I share exactly
how I do that :-)

There are a number of keys to making this most effective, and I
see many people who attempt this tactic missing some of the most
important elements. Those keys are:

1) You want to make managing the whole system as easy as
possible. If your system is too burdensome, you won't use it for
very long. I use the Rapid Action Profits system, developed by my
friend Sid Hale, to manage this affiliate program. I use it
because once I set up a site, RAP makes management practically
hands-free. The script can be configured to pay any percentage
commission that you desire on a front-end and/or back-end

The beauty of the system is that when a sale is made, the
affiliate is paid instantly directly to their Paypal account, and
the customer is redirected to a download page. At that point, my
affiliate has sent me that prized traffic, but as importantly, is
also building me a mailing list.

2) You need to also have a good back-end product in-place. I
typically have a second product that I offer immediately after
that first sale. You can offer affiliates any percentage
commission on this sale, and I often don't offer any since I've
given them all of the money from the front-end sale.

The key though, is that if you do offer a back-end product (or
one-time-offer) you will often get a major percentage of customer
take it. So, if you don't have that offer in place, you're
leaving behind much of your profits.

3) You need to have follow-up in place. It does little good to
build that list if you don't later follow-up with them. Another
reason that I like using Rapid Action Profits is that it builds a
database right within the software.

Since some web hosting companies limit the number of emails that
you can send from their servers (at one time), RAP also offers
the capability for automatically building your list on a
third-party system (such as or

I have at least 30 sites built using RAP. Those are all traffic
generation systems. Can you tell that I like RAP? You should
check out RAP at

4) Here's where a lot of people using this traffic generation
method cut corners, and fail...

You need to give affiliates lots of great tools so that it's
really, REALLY easy for them to register as affiliates and then
promote like crazy.

Many of your affiliates won't feel comfortable creating tools on
their own. So, if you don't give them the tools, they'll end up
doing nothing. Tools should include:

* Banners in a variety of sizes

* Solo emails

* Blog posts

* Tweets

* Classified ads (suitable for Google AdWords)

The tools should have the affiliates' links automatically
inserted in the proper places - something RAP handles
beautifully. If you force your affiliates to have to track down
links, and then manually edit the tools you offer, many won't

5) Here's how you make your traffic generator go viral...

Invite your customers to become affiliates after they purchase.
I've seen many merchants put links to their affiliate program
right on the sales page. I don't like this technique since I
feel that it can distract customers that your affiliates worked
hard to send you. So, I don't feel that it's fair.

Instead, I put links to sign-up for the affiliate program on my
product download pages, AND often in the products themselves.
Simply explain to customers that they can register, promote the
product, and earn instant commissions. This is very effective,
especially when you have all of those great affiliate tools in

It's also very effective because the INSTANT commissions helps
those who need the cash now!

Ok, I've just shared with you my very favorite method for
generating free website traffic. I basically get others to send
me the traffic, and then I have tools in place to leverage that

Stay tuned for part 2...

Willie Crawford has been marketing goods and services over
the internet since 1996, and teaches many of his tactics
in his free ezine. Be sure to not miss the rest of this
series by subscribing at


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