Tweak Your Landing Page Design, Supercharge Your Sales

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Paul Marshall

Sep 2, 2009, 10:48:02 PM9/2/09

A Free-Reprint Article Written by: Paul Marshall

Article Title:
Tweak Your Landing Page Design, Supercharge Your Sales

See TERMS OF REPRINT to the end of the article.

Article Description:
When embarking on SEO Internet marketing and PPC
advertising, often the missing component is Landing Page
Optimization (LPO). I've seen sales literally DOUBLE when
using LPO, by removing anxiety and friction, so sales and
opt-in sign ups increase.

Additional Article Information:

878 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: 2009-09-02 21:48:00

Written By: Paul Marshall
Copyright: 2009
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Paul Marshall's Picture URL:

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Tweak Your Landing Page Design, Supercharge Your Sales
Copyright (c) 2009 Paul Marshall
Strategic Web Marketing Net

One of the newest and most talked about Internet marketing
strategies these days is Landing Page Optimization. Your Landing
Page Design can make or break your conversion rate.

All the search engine optimization (SEO) Internet marketing and
pay-per-click (PPC) advertising isn't going to create the sales
you want with bad landing pages. You'd be just wasting your time
and money.

And the truth is that almost EVERY page on your website is a
landing page, except for your Privacy Policy, Terms of Use or
Service, and possibly your About page.

I've seen websites more than DOUBLE their conversions with
landing pages that are properly designed to convert traffic to
conversions...those opt-in sign ups and direct sales.

Think about it -- doubling your sales without increasing your PPC
advertising or without increasing your SEO efforts! How much
money could that put in your pocket?

When you take advantage of strategies like that, that's when you
start beating out your competition!

What's Landing Page Optimization All About?

When searchers come to our websites from the search engines, they
are in a path from one website to another. We have to interrupt
that process, drawing these searchers into our website and into
our story. We must balance the connection with our visitors and
make an emotional connection, while offering them real substance,
as well.

We MUST answer these questions:

1. where am I?

2. what can I do here (what is your offer)?

3. Why should I look here and STAY rather than click away? This
MUST be answered in the top 4 to 4/12 inches of your Web pages
(above the fold)

How Do You Begin Optimizing Your Landing Page Design?

First, start by clearly explaining what you want your website
visitors to do and WHY they should do it.

Why should they buy from you or opt-in for future contact?
What's in it for them?

Why should they choose you over other websites they can visit?
What separates you from your competition?

Essentially, what's your Value Proposition?

You should be able to clearly explain the advantage to your
website visitors in 2 to 3 short sentences.

Right now, if you're not sure exactly how to describe your Value
Proposition, you're surely NOT alone! The great majority of
people I coach with their websites are in the same boat, when
they start out.

My suggestion: Start brainstorming and making good notes. It also
helps to have the input of a Internet marketing consulting coach
outside your business, who can help you clearly define and
explain what you offer your website visitors in a compelling
manner, without using your industry jargon and lingo.

Reduce Anxiety From Your Purchase And Opt-In Processes

Anxiety can also be defined as fear or concern. Now, you can
never have a anxiety-free website, if you sell a product or
service or if you seek an opt-in email address.

Anxiety occurs in opt-in sign up processes, when providing an
email address. When making a purchase, providing credit card
information causes anxiety.

But how can you REDUCE the anxiety to the least level possible?

There are many techniques you can follow to accomplish this.

One of the best examples is to post your Privacy Policy page link
right next to your sign up button, for your opt-in contact. This
helps reassure your visitors you aren't selling their email
address and will generate a higher opt-in conversion rate than
not posting your privacy policy, all other things equal.

Other anxiety reducing techniques are:

1. emphasize credit card security when ordering 2. offer pricing
guarantees 3. deal with product | service quality concerns with
guarantees and third-party certifications, awards, etc.

These techniques must be used at the exact point where the
anxiety occurs.

Next, Reducing Friction From Your Web Pages

Friction can also be defined as annoyance and irritation. To
maximize your sales and opt-in conversion rate, you need to
minimize the friction all across your website.

Friction occurs in the prospect's MIND, not really on the page.

It is a Psychological resistance to a given element in the sales

So, how can you reduce friction?

One way is to limit fields to the minimum number needed for both
purchase and opt-in forms. Friction = Length and Difficulty.

While space here limits a complete discussion of all the
techniques you can take advantage of, another way to limit
friction is to make your landing page design take advantage of
natural eye movement, working with it, rather than against it.
You've got to be careful with multi-column designs.

Wrapping It Up

Consider the value to you of an Internet marketing consulting
coach, who can help maximize your landing page design at an
affordable cost.

Using Landing Page Optimization techniques will help you
potentially DOUBLE your conversions...your direct sales and
opt-in sign ups...without increasing your PPC advertising
expenses and without requiring higher SEO rankings.

This is real money we're talking about. :-)

And there are even coaches out there who can train you to do the
work yourself, without you having to pay full-service prices (and
without you having to spend the money or the time to become fully
trained and certified in Landing Page Optimization).

This could turn out to be the KEY element missing from your
Internet marketing plan.

Marketing online since 2004, Paul Marshall can help you market
on a budget. You can learn about his affordable Internet
Marketing Coaching and Consulting Services on his home page: He also offers Affordable
Landing Page Design services (and d-i-y Coaching), which you
can learn about here: Receive your Free
Introductory Consultation, just visit Strategic Web


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Paul Marshall

Sep 3, 2009, 3:00:04 PM9/3/09

A Free-Reprint Article Written by: Paul Marshall

Article Title:
Tweak Your Landing Page Design, Supercharge Your Sales

See TERMS OF REPRINT to the end of the article.

Article Description:
When embarking on SEO Internet marketing and PPC
advertising, often the missing component is Landing Page
Optimization (LPO). I've seen sales literally DOUBLE when
using LPO, by removing anxiety and friction, so sales and
opt-in sign ups increase.

Additional Article Information:

878 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line

Distribution Date and Time: 2009-09-03 14:00:00

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