Can't get rid of gutter that appears after write

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Ben Hourigan

Sep 25, 2018, 5:12:28 AM9/25/18
to spf13-vim-discuss
When I write a .tex file (strangely, only a tex file, so far as I can see), a gutter appears that I can't get rid of. I’ve tried disabling vim-signify, even deleting it from the bundles directory, but I can't get rid of the gutter.

Does anyone have an idea of what is creating it, and how I can get rid of it? This has happened only since installing spf13-vim (it didn’t happen to me with my own MacVim config).
Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at 4.05.20 pm.png

Ben Hourigan

Sep 25, 2018, 5:13:49 AM9/25/18
to spf13-vim-discuss
The gutter I’m talking about is the empty gray bar to the left, by the way.

Ben Hourigan

Sep 26, 2018, 8:00:06 AM9/26/18
to spf13-vim-discuss
Found a further clue, possibly.

This is the first time I’ve seen a mark in the gutter.

Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 6.57.03 pm.png

Same tex file here that was showing the gutter before. Not sure what this >> mark is. What plugin is producing it?

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