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Does spf13.vim work with NeoVim on the Apple Mac?

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Carl Caulkett

Sep 11, 2018, 2:48:43 PM9/11/18
to spf13-vim-discuss
Does spf13.vim work with NeoVim on the Apple Mac? 

Also I notice that things are geared towards Vundle. Is there any way of using Vim-Plug with spf13.vim?


Carl Caulkett

Sep 11, 2018, 6:28:54 PM9/11/18
to spf13-vim-discuss
No worries! I went ahead and installed spf13.vim and I seem to be running Vundle! It's okay, though, I'd only started using Vim-Plug earlier today, so it wasn't a massive shock or anything!

It works fine with NeoVim, although I did have to amend `.vimrc.bundles` because NeoComplete wouldn't load. I replaced it with NeoComplete's successor Deoplete. See for the amended version.
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