Today, I installed spf13-vim. it is very convenient and make me coding more efficiently.
But one issue is comming at the same time, because i need to work with mulitple programming languages,
one of them is nesC language, which is minority and used to embeded programming, before installing spf13-vim,
i have already installed one plugin and add some comands to .vimrc file for nesC which can make the nesC syntax highlight.
unfortunately, after i installed spf13-vim by running cmd "
curl https://j.mp/spf13-vim3 -L > spf13-vim.sh && sh spf13-vim.sh",
the nesC syntax cannot highlight, i try to add the sames commands to .vimrc file, but it cannot be recognized correctly
the commands i added to .vimrc shown:
augroup filetypedetect
au! BufRead,BufNewFile *nc setfiletype nc
augroup END
Guys, could you help me solve this problem ?
Many thanks!