[SpeedScraps] Project Joy 365 - The Tools

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Dec 1, 2010, 3:27:54 PM12/1/10
to speed...@googlegroups.com
If you are just hopping in on the 'Project Joy 365' conversation, please see the back story and the details first! :)

Now - The Tools!

At the end of 2011, I want to make a bound book of my 365 project. There will be one page for each week of the year. To help me keep up on the pages for the book, I created all the PSD files ahead of time. There are single page layouts for the first and last page and double page spreads for the rest of the weeks. I put guides on each page, to remind me not to put ‘important’ things in the bleed or binding spaces. I also created a text box on each page and put the date range. They probably aren't in the format I will use on the final layouts, but it is at least a start.

The next tool I created was a bunch of  7 photo Quick Start Collages. These collages, combined with the premade PSD files, should make quick work of putting the photobook pages together. I plan to work on these weekly as I go and will share them on the blog.

Here are some different ideas of what the finished pages could look like, using the Quick Start Collages:

"Project Joy 365 - Sample 1" digital scrapbook layout by Christy VanderWall uses:

"Project Joy 365 - Sample 2" digital scrapbook layout by Christy VanderWall uses:

"Project Joy 365 - Sample 3" digital scrapbook layout by Christy VanderWall uses:

The last tool I created to help me with my 365 project is a 4x6 flip book. I took my list of weekly photo prompts and combined them with photos from 2010 to create this great checklist that I can easily keep with me throughout the year. If I am feeling stuck for photo ideas, I can check the list for that week, or even skip around to other weeks. I included a checkbox next to each item, so I could easily keep an ‘inventory’ of which photos I have already taken.

If you’d like to join me in this journey – or even just the 365 project - I have put all these goodies into a Tool Kit that can be purchased below.

Each Tool Kit contains:

27 – Layered PSD files for creating Project 365 book (2 single page, 25 double page spreads containing white background, margin guides, text box for journaling and weekly date range on each page.)

60 – 7 photo Quick Start Collages (png files)

52 – 4”x6” Photo Prompt Overlays (png files) and Project Joy Cover page for creating your own flipbook

1 – Weekly Photo List, in 8.5"x11" format (PDF and Word Doc – same content as Flipbook overlays, just in a full page format)

Also included – my ‘Activities’ List (Please note: This list is not elaborate. It is more of a rough draft of my ideas. I will expound on the activities more as I do them. I just thought seeing my list might spark others with activities to do with their own families.)

Project Joy 365 - Tool Kit
 (Download links will be sent to your paypal email within 24 hours of purchase)

I am really excited about this journey and I hope you will be inspired by this project. If you play along or come up with your own 'Project Joy' moments this coming year, I would love to hear about them!

Have a blessed day!

Posted By Christy to SpeedScraps at 12/01/2010 03:27:00 PM
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