[SpeedScraps] Project Joy 365 - The Back Story

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Nov 29, 2010, 8:35:53 PM11/29/10
to speed...@googlegroups.com
“Everyone ends up somewhere, few people end up somewhere on purpose.” Craig Groeschel

This was the lead in to a message I heard at www.LifeChurch.tv recently. A message that was very timely in my life. I have spent many hours in the last few months contemplating ‘what now God – where do I go from here’ and ‘what am I here for Lord? What is my purpose in all of this?’.

Almost eight years ago, I became a Mommy. We planned and worked and saved and dreamed for 10 years for that day. We arrived there on purpose, with a well executed plan and God’s blessings. Our home was paid for, giving us the financial freedom for me to be a stay at home mom. I left the working world behind and excitedly entered into this next ‘season’ of my life as a Mom.

 About three and a half years ago, I discovered digital scrapbooking and soon after purchased a DSLR camera and started exploring photography. In the time since then, I have fallen in love with these hobbies and have discovered creative gifts that stir great passion in me.  

I consider both of these things HUGE blessings in my life, each for unique reasons. The problem I've had is trying to find balance between the two. When I am being Mom and devoting myself to my family, I am constantly thinking about and longing for some time to myself to create. When I am spending time alone creating, I am burdened with guilt about what I ‘could’ be spending time on that would better benefit my family.

For the last three years, I feel like I have been riding a pendulum that is constantly swinging from one focus to the other. I have struggled to find a happy medium that allows me to live to my fullest potential in both areas of my life.

After hearing the message at LifeChurch about ‘arriving on purpose’, I set out in prayer about how to remedy my situation. I feel God has answered me and inspired me to embark on a journey for 2011. I am calling this journey ‘Project Joy 365’.

What is Project Joy 365? More details to come…tomorrow.

Posted By Christy to SpeedScraps at 11/29/2010 08:35:00 PM
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