Wrong division and multiplication?

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Marcelo RE

May 12, 2017, 7:39:55 AM5/12/17
to speedcrunch
Hi all

Look at this screenshot:

last two operation ar wrong. Why?

Helder Correia

May 12, 2017, 7:48:04 AM5/12/17
to speed...@googlegroups.com
11. May 2017 18:02 by marce...@gmail.com:

last two operation ar wrong. Why?

Hi, Marcelo. Because you used a dot as decimal separator for the last two expressions (the dot was ignored, so you're using 4 and not 0,04).

In the previous expressions, you used a comma (and it worked as expected). You need to check your Input Format > Radix Character settings, it should be set either to System Default or comma in your case right now. You can choose comma, dot, or both (I'm assuming you're using the latest 0.12 version).

Marcelo RE

May 13, 2017, 10:18:47 AM5/13/17
to speedcrunch, hel...@speedcrunch.org
Wau! yes! 
I don't know how I introduce it. The number key pad is configured to introduce ","  when I press "." as I need. All the previous an next operations are all correct.
Why It do not mark the number as incorrect? 

Frederic Da Vitoria

May 14, 2017, 6:37:42 AM5/14/17
to speed...@googlegroups.com, hel...@speedcrunch.org
Because those numbers are correct, assuming the comma is the decimal separator and the dot the thousands separator

You can change SpeedCrunch's behavior in the menu: Options / Input format / Decimal separator. Experiment with the options and choose the one which suits you best.

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Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » - http://www.april.org

Marcelo RE

May 15, 2017, 8:12:51 PM5/15/17
to speedcrunch
Sorry but no, the format is incorrect. I use "," for decimal and "." for thousand separator. The number 0.04 does not meet the mask format: 999.999.999,99.
It do not have 3 digit after the "." separator and start with 0 following by the thousand separator.
A valid regex for number could be: ^(?!0\,00)\d{1,3}(.\d{3})*(\,\d\d)?$. 

Frederic Da Vitoria

May 16, 2017, 12:02:32 PM5/16/17
to speed...@googlegroups.com
I guess your definition of "thousand separator" is too strict for
Speed Crunch. I suppose Speed Crunch simply deletes any thousand
separator it finds, without bothering whether the separator is in the
correct position or not. The end result is the same except that a
"strict" software would refuse incorrectly placed separators while
Speed Crunch silently skips mistakes. From my point of view, both
attitudes are possible, after all thousand separators are only a
commodity, they don't any mathematical signification.

2017-05-16 2:12 UTC+02:00, Marcelo RE <marce...@gmail.com>:
> Sorry but no, the format is incorrect. I use "," for decimal and "." for
> thousand separator. The number 0.04 does not meet the mask format:
> 999.999.999,99.
> It do not have 3 digit after the "." separator and start with 0 following
> by the thousand separator.
> A valid regex for number could be: ^(?!0\,00)\d{1,3}(.\d{3})*(\,\d\d)?$.
> El viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017, 8:39:55 (UTC-3), Marcelo RE escribió:
>> Hi all
>> Look at this screenshot:
>> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-hCGSI3KWHPc/WRSYiUA_skI/AAAAAAAAKRY/LjkdMMuxsJ0T-aSo9bqaNO4uWfQVNbFyQCLcB/s1600/screen2.png>
>> last two operation ar wrong. Why?
> --
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> "speedcrunch" group.
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> email to speedcrunch...@googlegroups.com.

Zenithlyn Cadet

Apr 16, 2021, 10:36:37 AM4/16/21
to speedcrunch
how to make speedcrunch show me step by step on how it  got the asnwers 
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