Config customisation

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Roy Wiseman

Nov 24, 2019, 1:20:30 PM11/24/19
to speedcrunch
I do all of my system installs (when possible) via chocolatey (like yum / apt-get for Windows, I usually completely reinstall Windows every couple of weeks and let the package manager handle everything). Speedcrunch is already packaged there, but in my scripts, after install, I then use PowerShell to preallocate all settings preferences for all apps (i.e. for Notepad++, I set about 20 values in the xml config file after install to save me going through the hassle).

For Speedcrunch, I found the ini file in  C:\Users\Boss\AppData\Roaming\SpeedCrunch
but I don't see the main settings that I'd like to change. For example, I would like to do the following:
• Preset the font to be much bigger than the hyper-tiny default (I'd like to go to a more comfortable 11 or 12 point in size), but I do not see that in the settings.
• Change the default decimal places to 5.
• As discussed before, I'd like to preset some values to make conversions comfortable. In particular: m=meter, cm=centimeter, c=celsius/centigrade(if that is defined), f=fahrenheit, etc  I went in and preset these in SpeedCrunch, but on going back to the ini file, no change seems to be made, so I can't use PowerShell to update these changes.

I'm stumped as to where to make these configuration changes - could you show me where the settings files that I need to change are please?
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