SpecLog alternatives

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Jeroen Vis

Jul 22, 2016, 5:09:58 PM7/22/16
to Specification by Example
Currently I am in the process of choosing a tool that can support our projects goal to work like the specification by example method. I know it's not about the tool, but it's good to have a good view of the possibilities. Right now I have mind-maps that gives me a good visual what the high level functionalities in our software product are. For every functionality I make different kind of user stories that are entered in our Scrum tool. Right now we also making .feature files for use in SpecFlow.

I'm looking for a tool like SpecLog where I can enter my high level functionalities, epics and eventually user stories with feature files (specflow). This will be our living documentation. 

I'm sure SpecLog is not the only tool I can use for that. Does anyone know alternatives?


Jeroen Vis
The Netherlands

Michael Janssen

Sep 19, 2016, 3:22:00 AM9/19/16
to Specification by Example
Hi Jeroen,

Pickles or RelishApp might do the trick for you.



Op vrijdag 22 juli 2016 23:09:58 UTC+2 schreef Jeroen Vis:

Gojko Adzic

Sep 19, 2016, 3:23:43 AM9/19/16
to specificati...@googlegroups.com
+1 for pickles. I set that up recently for a team that was looking for
publishing the feature files as a web site, it integrated nicely with
test results from specflow, so business stakeholders could easily see
what passed/failed.

it's also worth looking into cucumber pro, but I've not used that
myself, so can't really say much about it.

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Dirk Rombauts

Sep 20, 2016, 7:08:47 AM9/20/16
to Specification by Example

I'm the maintainer of Pickles. @Jeroen, if you want to look into Pickles and need help, feel free to ask me for support. The easiest way to get in touch is to use our Gitter channel: https://gitter.im/picklesdoc/pickles

@Gojko thanks for the +1!

Best Regards,
Dirk Rombauts
Maintainer of Pickles: http://www.picklesdoc.com/
Pickles Pro Blog - .NET BDD from the trenches: http://blog.picklespro.com/

Neil Mather

Apr 22, 2017, 6:47:07 PM4/22/17
to Specification by Example
As mentioned, Pickles create fantastic documentation, in various formats (HTML, Word, etc), and links nicely with SpecFlow results.  I have yet to try it but I'm sure Serenity BDD is worth investigating too, given the involvement by John Ferguson Smart.

Neither (AFAIK) provide any of the visual story mapping that SpecLog does though.  The closest equivalent I get to that (and it's really not that close) is the tree explorer in your dev environment of choice, using folders to group your features hierarchically.

There are some nice options for visual story mapping, e.g. featuremap.co, storiesonboard.com, cardboardit.com.  They usually export to various file formats and maybe integrate with some issue trackers.  They also charge.

I've never used SpecLog, but I'd say if you can afford it, go for it.  It looks super slick and integrated.  If you can't, you'll need to get a bit Rube Goldberg and mix and match various tools.

What I'd love is a visual story mapper, that links to feature files and links to github issues.  And is free and open source.  I can dream!


Apr 24, 2017, 2:23:34 PM4/24/17
to Specification by Example
Hi Jeroen,

Did you have a look at Concordion.NET? It was created by the author of Pickles. With Concordion you can do BDD in plain English and use it directly as documentation (e.g. https://jacekratzinger.blogspot.co.at/2012/01/purpose-driven-development-pdd.html).

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