attendance on Thursday

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Sean McHugh

Nov 21, 2011, 2:40:41 AM11/21/11

Hi people


I cannot come to the last-Thursday-in-the-month meetings for a  little while. My apologies. I am attending a scriptwriting course at the Centre for Continuing Education at Liverpool University that runs Thursdays 6.30 - 8.30pm.


As a matter of fact, Ashley is attending the same course and is very likely in the same position as myself.

I'll try and put a few things in the Dropbox nevertheless.


Sean McHugh

Richard Brown

Nov 21, 2011, 7:01:37 AM11/21/11
Are we meeting this week or next (i.e. 1st December)? I can't remember if
it's been decided ...

I've put something in the Dropbox anyway. I think Hakim was gently
challenging me to write something more bloodthirsty ...



Nov 21, 2011, 10:56:39 AM11/21/11
to Liverpool Speculative Fiction Writing Group
Richard, all,
We're meeting this Thursday (24th).  Thanks for putting something in
the DropBox, looking forward to reading it!
I'm too late to submit to dropbox, but I'll try to get something
written to read out on the night...
See you on Thursday!

darran ling

Nov 24, 2011, 7:11:32 AM11/24/11
Hi Hakim and all
I am gutted that I wont be able to make tonights meeting but will read
and feedback on whats in the dropbox.
Based on the fantastic quality of the work and the readings from last
week I still think the wider world would be interested in what the
group is doing. What are the groups thoughts on making selected
recordings and a podcast?

Have fun tonight and if i'm back in time I will pop into the The Hub.


Hakim Cassimally

Nov 24, 2011, 9:07:02 AM11/24/11

On 24 November 2011 12:11, darran ling <> wrote:
> What are the groups thoughts on making selected
> recordings and a podcast?

I'm really keen on this, yes! Did you have experience in that? I've
done a bit of (amateurish) audio editing, and find it takes me a long
time (but I'd hope once you know what you're doing it can be much

Should we do a call for stories? Nominate your own, or someone else's
story (that has been workshopped), and we can choose which ones to put
in a first podcast. I know a few people can't make it tonight, but
we'll have a brief chat about it anyway, and perhaps put out the call
for stories for the December meeting?


Sean McHugh

Nov 24, 2011, 9:55:05 AM11/24/11
Yeah I like.

I am very much in favour of recording and horsing about with podcasts on the net. I think I already said that I have some trick microphones that have an all-round pickup plug in to Olympus recorder or Laptop and I have Adobe Audition 3 for editing.

And it is not just the conversation you can record, it is also the possibility of trying short radio plays or documentaries.

But dammit I can't do Thursdays until this course is over.

Any thoughts on temp change ? I feel embarrassed to suggest it but is there a big Thursday faction?

Sean McHugh

Hakim Cassimally

Nov 24, 2011, 10:54:40 AM11/24/11
On 24 November 2011 14:55, Sean McHugh <> wrote:
> I am very much in favour of recording and horsing about with podcasts on the
> net.

OK, that's 3 in favour of podcasts, motion carried! (We'll discuss
details when we're all about.)

> But dammit I can't do Thursdays until this course is over.

We'll discuss tonight. Peter also couldn't do Thursdays, perhaps we can change.
I think having a *consistent* day is important enough that I'm now
regretfully keeping to advertised day when it's a single person that
asks for change, but if it's now 3, then it's worth looking at!


Sean McHugh

Nov 24, 2011, 5:53:02 PM11/24/11
Thanks for that, guys.

I am really reluctant to ask for a change because I know how annnoying it is to have some sod come in and arrogantly demand an alternate day to suit their own sweet reasons.

So I didn't do it.

But now that there is both Ashley and myself taking this course, and others without strong opinions, and the Does guys like hakim not having  a strong preference I would diffidently suggest it would not be a bad idea to discuss.

Forgive me for attempting to impose but you will all know as writers how vital  it is to get a critical eye on what you write. How easily can we all fool ourselves? Isn't it simple to tell ourselves that we are incanting the spell correctly, the audience is enthralled- on we go! We have to have a rough tongue from experienced friends. All else is useless.

Sean McHugh

PS the scriptwriting course is Thursdays 1/12 and 8/12 and I don't know when the next 10 weeks start.

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