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Singapore Writers Festival Events

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Christopher Hwang

Nov 1, 2013, 7:16:51 PM11/1/13
Hey all,

Just thought I'd drop a reminder that the Writer's Festival has started, and there are several panels which might be of interest to SFF fans ;) Its a bit hard to tell from the website, but it looks like The Arts House venue is on a slightly different track than the main venue, concentrating on Fairy Tales. 

Notable SFF guests include Tracey Hickman, Terri Windling, Erik Lundberg, Dean Francis Alfar and some related artists from the film and comic worlds :)

On a personal note, I would hope for a good showing at Terri Windling's panel on Sunday at 7:30pm-8:30pm. It has the slightly intimidating title of "Misogyny in Fairy Tales? Stepmothers get a Bad Rap" which might not seem of immediate interest to some people, but I can assure you that Terri is a multi-faceted speaker and will make it worth your while. Plus she's missing World Fantasy Con to be here, so lets make her feel welcome :)

Hope to see some of you throughout the week! 


Sivaroobini Kalaimani

Nov 1, 2013, 8:50:22 PM11/1/13
Terri's panel sounds amazing, and it's a subject which greatly interests me, but I'll be here in Perth studying for exams. If anyone takes a video of that panel, could you please send me the link? :)


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