Hi all,
Thanks for the helpful suggestions. Fortunately, if the filepath for the mzML data is incorrect I get an error screen that specifies the current incorrect filepath in the xml.
It turns out that I omitted an important detail. This error was arising after processing the pep.xml with Libra through xinteract.
When I edit the URL for comparing the top hits from "File=C%3A%2F...my_data.mzML.gz..." to "File=C%3A%2F...my_data.mzML..." it works despite my data being in mzML.gz format.
If I edit the original pep.xml file so that raw_data=".mzML" then I can view the top hits.
I never converted my data from mzML.gz to mzML, so I see an error message on the page listing the top comet hits:
Error - cannot read spectrum (mzML) file C:/my_data.mzML -- links to spectra may not work
But the all of the annotate msms spectra show up and look fine in Lorikeet.
Apologies for the long read.
Thanks again for your help.