Hi everyone, the next Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP) course is coming up soon. Please register if you’d like to get hands-on training on the TPP. The next course is:
In Seattle, March 2-6, the week before the US HUPO annual conference (https://www.ushupo.org/):
The registration deadline is still a month away, but you are encouraged to sign up soon!
The following course will be:
In Stockholm, Sweden October 12-16, the week before the 2020 HUPO World Congress. Registration is not open yet, but mark your calendar if you’d like to attend that course.
Let me know if you have questions!
Eric W. Deutsch
Senior Research Scientist
Institute for Systems Biology
401 Terry Ave North
Seattle WA 98109
Email: edeu...@systemsbiology.org
ORCiD: 0000-0001-8732-0928
Office: +1-206-732-1397
Fax: +1-206-732-1260
WWW: https://www.systemsbiology.org/eric-deutsch