> I imagine this is not a concern unique to spatialite, but it happens
> to be the only relevant list I'm subscribed to that has people
> knowledgeable in this domain. (And so far my web searches have not
> been too useful.)
> Any comments, pointers to specific docs to read, etc, are
> appreciated!
Recall: what is a floating point number (DOUBLE) really?
- there are 64 bits available
- 53 bits are for storing the binary value
(more or less corresponding to about 16 decimal digits)
- the remaining are for storing the exponent in the range
between -1022 and +1023
It's an extremely flexible format that lends itself well
to representing both infinitesimal values and exaggeratedly
enormous values.
It's not by chance that it's also called scientific notation,
because it adapts indifferently to the microscopic values of
the atomic scale as well as to the huge values of astronomy.
However, there are two important limitations to always keep in mind:
1. Values always have a fixed length, so they may be subject to
truncation and rounding during calculations.
2. The precision is very variable because it depends on the
scale (value of the exponent)
Let's see a very concrete case: determining the intersection between
two segments (think of an X)
Unless we are dealing with two segments perfectly parallel to the axes
(or other very particular cases) the intersection Point will certainly
be assigned coordinates that have suffered the adverse effects of
truncation / rounding.
With the unfortunate consequence that a subsequent check via
ST_Intersects might say that the intersection Point does not fall on
the one or the othe segment (or may be both).
Definitely puzzling but absolutely unavoidable.
The canonical solution in all these cases is to use ST_Snap to force
the insertion of the intersection Point in each of the two segments;
in this way the intersection problem is solved, but it should be noted
that it introduces a (small) alteration of the geometry which is no
longer exactly the same as before.
This is the thorniest problem that the Topology module has to face,
where everything relies on the perfect coincidence of coordinates.
It's no coincidence that many topological functions have a <tolerance>
parameter that allows you to establish how far you can push the
rearrangement of the geometries to make them fit together exactly.
Fortunately in many cases these problems are never encountered, but
whenever any intersection between two segments or between a segment
and a point comes into play, danger is always lurking.
I don't see any particular problems in using ST_Transform; it's
obvious that some more or less evident alteration will always be
introduced, but the deterministic nature of the geodesic calculations
will always lead to consistent results.
Final conclusion: the very nature of floating point numbers always
introduces some risk due to truncations and roundings, it's something
absolutely unavoidable.
Can become a major source of severe headaches when rigorous
topological consistency is required.
Fortunately, in most cases, it's something we can safely ignore.
But above all let us never forget that the fabulous calculation
speed ensured by the floating points of modern CPUs is the real
secret of all computational geometry.
It's an approach that is not without flaws, but at the same time
ensures many excellent advantages.
As always it is a trade-off; you lose something but you gain a lot.
bye Sandro