using Spatialite as alternative to arcgis for distance to coast lookup

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Jason Williams

Aug 22, 2022, 4:52:29 PM8/22/22
to SpatiaLite Users
Anyone tried using Spatialite to query distance to coast lookup? 

I tried use ST_Distance function from spatialite, the distance query returned pretty good data that is matching the result from arcgis query. However I could not make the speed to match arcgis. arcgis seems a little bit faster than ST_Distance.

Is there a way faster than ST_Distance?

Peter Johnson

Aug 22, 2022, 6:17:12 PM8/22/22
What type of query are you performing?

Is from point to point(s), or point to polygon(s)?

Are you querying one-to-one or one against a table of candidate matches?

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Jason Williams

Aug 24, 2022, 1:05:48 AM8/24/22
to SpatiaLite Users
I have a table cost_poly with only 10 thousand rows, each row is a MULTIPOLYGON. Then given a point (<lon>, <lat>), find the polygon the point is in and return the distance:

SELECT pk_uid, ST_Distance(src.srcpt, ST_Boundary(geometry) as nearestdist
                    FROM coast_poly, (SELECT ST_Transform(MakePoint(<lon>, <lat>, 4326), 26917) as srcpt) as src
                    WHERE coast_poly.ROWID IN
                        (SELECT ROWID FROM SpatialIndex WHERE
                           (f_table_name = 'DB=main.coast_poly') AND
                           (search_frame = src.srcpt))
                        ST_Intersects(src.srcpt, geometry)

Out of the 10k rows, only 200 rows have ST_NPoints(geometry) > 516 
Will ST_Subdivide help? Can spatialite divide the geometry and store the subdivided geometry into a new table?

Thank you !

Jason Williams

Aug 24, 2022, 1:06:30 AM8/24/22
to SpatiaLite Users
Correction: table name is  coast_poly

Jason Williams

Aug 24, 2022, 1:10:20 AM8/24/22
to SpatiaLite Users
 coast_poly table is imported from shape file.

Aug 24, 2022, 3:16:04 AM8/24/22
On Tue, 23 Aug 2022 22:05:48 -0700 (PDT), Jason Williams wrote:
> I have a table cost_poly with only 10 thousand rows, each row is a
> MULTIPOLYGON. Then given a point (, ), find the polygon the point is
> in and return the distance:
> SELECT pk_uid, ST_Distance(src.srcpt, ST_Boundary(geometry) as
> nearestdist
> FROM coast_poly, (SELECT ST_Transform(MakePoint(, , 4326), 26917) as
> srcpt) as src
> WHERE coast_poly.ROWID IN
> (f_table_name = 'DB=main.coast_poly') AND
> (search_frame = src.srcpt))
> ST_Intersects(src.srcpt, geometry)
> Out of the 10k rows, only 200 rows have ST_NPoints(geometry) > 516

Hi Jason,

your SQL query seems to be correct, I'm unable to see any defect.

I've tested it on a dataset with more than 75,000 multipolygons
(about 1,700 of them having ST_NPoints() > 512, the maximum
value being 2,500), and I've measured a mean response time
of about 250 milliseconds.

it definitely seems what I call a "fast running query";
what do you exactly intend when you say "arcgis seems a
little bit faster than ST_Distance" ?
less than 250 millis ?

On Tue, 23 Aug 2022 22:05:48 -0700 (PDT), Jason Williams wrote:
> Will ST_Subdivide help?

I strongly doubt.
a prelimiary call to ElementaryGeometries() so to resolve
all multipolygons into elementary individual polygons
could be a more effective solution, because in some peculiar
cases it could allow the Spatial Index to work more selectively.

bye Sandro

Jason Williams

Aug 29, 2022, 5:47:55 PM8/29/22
to SpatiaLite Users
Thank you Sandro! The difference is actually negligible as I measured more times.
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