Hi, I am processing OSM data – it happens to be the admin_level 2 boundary relation for South Africa as this contains an inner ring – and when I import my processed data into a Spatialite table with a polygon geometry column, and I use IsValid to test the polygon, I get a warning that it contains a self-crossing. If I simplify the polygon then this problem gets fixed but my polygon is now less accurate than before so not ideal.
I am really stuck on how to resolve this. It is an OSM data problem presumably. However, being blind I can’t visualise the polygon and just looking at numbers it is pretty impossible to work out where the crossover is happening and what the fundamental problem might be.
If anyone would like to help, this is a zipped version of the data in CSV format which contains the crossing on longitude 30.8919.
And any general suggestions on how to tackle this kind of problem would be welcome.
Best, Chris