No Transmit Audio?

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Doug Kaye

Jul 23, 2024, 2:02:16 PMJul 23
to SparkSDR
I can transmit using my iMac's built-in mic and one other USB mic. But I can't get audio from my preferred USB source. I can select it in the Transceiver>General>Audio Input panel, but nothing appears in the mic VU meter and there's no output. The Hermes Lite goes into transmit mode without a problem. And like I said, other audio sources work fine. I can use this preferred source with other apps, so I'm trying to figure out what's different about SparkSDR. Any ideas?

Jul 24, 2024, 4:47:39 AMJul 24
to SparkSDR
no immediate idea, what is the device? I have been given a slightly less old mac so am able to test more now.
73 Alan M0NNB

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